Exercises in pregnancy

Yoga in pregnancy: 24 cards to face the 9 months with the help of yoga

In recent years Yoga has received more and more attention and the scientific research that demonstrates its effectiveness has become increasingly abundant: 312 studies in 23 countries.

The results of this research are surprising: over 90% found that Yoga has an extremely positive impact on health, making it a discipline that differs from all the others, surprisingly uniting the body and mind with absolutely tangible benefits.

A frequent practice can prove to be really useful not only from a muscle , strength, elasticity and breathing point of view , but it helps us to get in touch with the most intimate part of us, to find serenity again, to refocus .

This millennial discipline with many benefits is not only within everyone’s reach and can also be carried out in one’s own home, but it is suitable for all ages and also ideal for pregnant women .

For this reason, when we came across the box set: ” 40 weeks, or how to deal with pregnancy with the help of yoga ” by Valentina Maggetti , yogini and holistic practitioner, we thought we’d share with you this immediate and very useful tool that can help pregnant women to find balance between mind and body every day.

For those approaching Yoga for the first time , the book can be a valuable support to face pregnancy with serenity . A simple, pleasant read, enriched by advice, curiosities and testimonials and accompanied by colorful illustrations that facilitate understanding, gradually revealing the secrets of this millenary discipline that has never lost its charm.

For those who already practice Yoga , and are curious to learn more about this aspect of the discipline, the book provides accurate explanations, collecting data concerning the changes in the body during pregnancy, summarizing some key concepts of the yogic tradition .

The text is accompanied by illustrations that exemplify the various positions to be performed during the nine months and by three stories concerning as many Indian divinities linked to motherhood.

And since you never stop learning about pregnancy, we interviewed the author, Valentina Maggetti to find out more about the benefits of pregnant yoga .

Why is Yoga so suitable for pregnant women?

 Several scientific researches have confirmed that the practice of Yoga is safe, and full of positive effects, both for women and for their children.

Practicing Yoga during pregnancy :

  • Improves physical balance , which changes spontaneously with the natural evolution of pregnancy and the increase in belly volume.
  • Activates blood and lymphatic circulation , thus helping to reduce swelling and heaviness in the legs.
  • It reduces the symptoms that often accompany pregnancy such as tiredness, lumbar pain , nausea, constipation.
  • Improve mental balance through breathing exercises (pranayama), which promote relaxation and deep listening.
  • Regulates blood pressure and heart rate, improves digestion and night rest and strengthens the immune system.
  • Increases muscle strength, flexibility and endurance, useful for labor and delivery.

For all these reasons, I can only recommend the Yoga practice, both to those who already know the discipline and to those approaching it for the first time!

How many minutes a day should be devoted to yoga to begin to see its effectiveness?

I always advise pregnant women who attend my courses to start with 15-minute sessions a day , to keep fit and prepare for childbirth. Even if they are experienced practitioners, I urge you to accept the change taking place in your body and reduce activity.

15 minutes a day allow you to get in touch with the inner dimension , carving out a space “dedicated” only to listening to your body and your child, away from the contingencies of everyday life. Thus they allow you to achieve the purpose of the practice, the union of body, mind and soul. This is Yoga!

Before starting any practice or course, I always recommend asking your gynecologist for approval.

Yoga is also said to have a positive effect on the psychological sphere. What impact does it have on pregnant women?

 Regular practice helps women become more aware of their condition and increase their self-esteem .

In particular, the practice of pranayama (breathing), in addition to calming the body and mind, reduces the factors that lead the body to produce adrenaline, helping the mother during the difficult moments of childbirth.

Here are the detailed effects of guided breathing during pregnancy:

  • Releases tensions , calms the mind, reduces anxiety or fear as childbirth approaches.
  • It helps to accept change and find inner balance.
  • Stimulates listening and develops the bond with your child .
  • Activates the parasympathetic system which helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate, improving night rest and optimizing the immune system.

If the expectant mother has never practiced Yoga, can pregnancy be a good time to start?

 The most recurring question that I hear from girls who attend my courses for the first time is this: “Can I start even if I’ve never done Yoga?”

My answer in most cases is yes, if the pregnancy is physiological and there are no overt risk situations for the mother or the fetus .

The only contraindications related to Yoga during pregnancy may be due to the lack of experience and preparation of the teacher, or not listening to one’s body and one’s limits.

In most cases the girls who start practicing come back to me even after giving birth!

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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