
Vaginal infections in pregnancy: the symptoms

During pregnancy, many women experience an increase in vaginal discharge. It is the so-called hydrorrhea and it is absolutely normal. But there are losses that can be caused by infections which, conversely, must be treated immediately.

Pregnancy bleeding is normal due to hormonal changes. If these discharges are white watery and odorless ,  they are usually normal discharges.

However, if you experience some symptoms (pain, itching) and suspect an infection, or the losses have a different appearance and give off an unpleasant smell, you need to notify your gynecologist because a vaginal infection could be in progress.

How to recognize a vaginal infection?

The main symptoms are: itching, burning, vaginal discharge and pain during sexual intercourse.

The losses have a color that can be grayish, but also whitish or yellowish with a different consistency from normal ones.

If you suspect an infection, it is essential to inform your gynecologist who will carry out a vaginal swab in order to diagnose the type of pathology.

Infections can increase the risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

It has been shown that by treating bacterial infections early with antibiotics, it is possible to prevent miscarriage or complications during pregnancy. For this reason it would be advisable to carry out some checks before tackling a pregnancy in order to eliminate any dangerous bacteria. Even asymptomatic bacterial infections can in fact pose a threat to the health of the fetus.

What are the most common vaginal infections in pregnancy?

Mycosis (Candida)

They are recognized because they cause itching in the vagina and in the surrounding area and inflammation, pain is felt both during urination and during sexual intercourse.

The secretions are usually thick, whitish, and odorless. They are caused by a fungus, the “famous” Candida Albicans “. The symptoms can be similar to those of bacterial vaginitis, so you need to contact your doctor to understand if it is actually mycosis and proceed with the correct treatment.

In general, fungicidal creams are prescribed which must also be administered to your partner to avoid transmission

Bacterial vaginitis

The discharge in this case is opaque , thick and grayish with a peculiar smell .

If you suspect this type of infection, contact your doctor who will prescribe a particular antibiotic if he confirms the infection . It is absolutely necessary to treat these infections because they can cause miscarriages or preterm births .


The symptoms are represented by a sort of tingling in the vagina and by an inflammation that affects the vulva and vagina .

There is pain when urinating and itching or burning in the genital area extending to the legs.

It is transmitted through vaginal and oral intercourse . A precise diagnosis is needed, which can also be done with a blood test. There is no definitive cure even if the symptoms can be reduced.


It manifests as pain in the lower abdomen and secretions that are different than usual. However, many women have no symptoms. It is a fairly common infection especially before the age of 25 and can cause inflammation and ectopic pregnancies .

It is therefore one of the most common causes of infertility, so if you are planning a pregnancy it is better to get checked first. In fact, it causes preterm births and miscarriages and if it is not treated during pregnancy with antibiotics, the baby could become infected during delivery and could develop eye infections or pneumonia.


It is a sexually transmitted disease. If not properly cared for, it can cause sterility problems.


It is recognized by particular losses, foamy and gray or yellow-greenish .

It also causes vaginal itching and pain. It is diagnosed with a vaginal swab and treated with specific drugs.

Your partner must also undergo the treatment because it is a sexually transmitted disease. This disease is also more likely to contract other sexually transmitted infections.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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