
Twenty-seventh week of pregnancy

Congratulations! With the 27th week of pregnancy you are practically at the end of the second trimester. Continue to follow a healthy diet and don’t worry if your memory plays tricks on you: everything will go back to normal after giving birth. 

Weight and length at 27 weeks

Month 6th month
Gestational age from 26+0 to 26+6
Length of the fetus (*) 35.6cm
Weight of the fetus (*) 902 grams
Weight gain (**) +9 kg
Moms group June 2023


How many months is 27 weeks pregnant?

At the 27th week   you are at the end of the sixth month of gestation and are about to enter the seventh . To know the exact correspondence between months and weeks of pregnancy you can use our conversion table .

27th week : frequent symptoms

How your body changes

A surplus of energy

By the start of your third trimester, your weight should increase by about 500 grams per week . Remember that, as long as you observe a healthy and balanced diet , the weight you accumulate during pregnancy is necessary to support the development of the future baby.

As a result, while it’s important not to start eating for two , it’s absolutely not the time to go on a diet , unless there are particular reasons assessed by your doctor.

In any case, if your weight (too much or too little) worries you , talk to your gynecologist or trusted midwife.

The pregnancy brain

Do you happen to lose your keys, forget your appointments or find it hard to concentrate? Don’t worry, it’s not your fault but hormones , which together with insomnia and tiredness can cause a bit of memory blurring: it’s the so-called ” pregnancy brain ” or mamnesia and it’s a completely normal condition in pregnancy. To make your life easier, write down your commitments , set reminders and try to always keep your keys and mobile phone in the same place .

How the child grows

It is about 36 centimeters long , as long as a radicchio and weighs about 900 grams .

Change the pace of growth

Until now, most children have grown up in much the same way. From now on, however, the growth rate can change a lot from one child to another , depending on environmental factors and the genetic heritage inherited from the parents: for this reason, birth weight can vary greatly from newborn to newborn.

He turns towards the light sources

The retina has developed inside the eye , the structure that has the task of transforming light impulses into signals for the brain, which in turn will transform them into images. Meanwhile, the eyelids have started to open  and if you shine a light source on the belly (such as a flashlight), the baby will turn his head to look at it.

Do you know that…

As your child grows inside you, your brain is changing to prepare you for the task of becoming a mother and the little carelessness of this period is nothing more than a side effect of these changes. In fact, after giving birth, your memory will be as good as new, but your brain will be better able to “tune in” with the baby and recognize his needs than him.

For the dad 

The expectant mother may be starting to feel a little uneasy about her extra pounds: reassure her and remind her that proper weight gain is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. To help her follow a balanced diet, she avoids tempting her with sweets and high-calorie foods and you too try to set a good example!

Checks and exams to do

  • Umbilical cord donation

Have you already thought about whether to  donate or store your baby’s umbilical cord blood ? For more information, contact your midwife or gynecologist.

Click here to see the tests you can take for free between the 25th and 28th week of gestation

Advice from the 27th week of pregnancy

  • It might be time to start learning about some choices around when to give birth . Thinking about getting an epidural? Who would you like to have by your side? Talk to your midwife or gynecologist, and possibly start making a birth plan .
  • Try to drink plenty of fluids and take care of your oral hygiene : dehydration and the presence of gum problems have been shown to increase the risk of premature birth.
  • To relieve digestive disorders , here are 5 good habits to follow every day:
  1. eat light and frequent meals
  2. avoid foods that are too greasy or fried
  3. limit beverages like coffee, tea, and sodas
  4. do not lie down immediately after eating
  5. sleep with an extra pillow under your head
Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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