
Twelfth week of pregnancy

Arrived at the 12th week, we can now see the end of the first trimester and the beginning of what is called the “golden period of pregnancy”.

In the second trimester , you should put the tough weeks behind you and feel full of energy again . Meanwhile, the baby is now fully formed and the organs are developing very quickly.

The video of the 12th week

Weight and length at 12 weeks

Month 3rd month
Gestational age from 11+0 to 11+6
Length of the fetus (*) 4.1cm
Moms group October 2023

How many months is 12 weeks pregnant?

At 12 weeks you are in the second half of the third month of pregnancy. To know the exact correspondence between months and weeks of pregnancy  you can use our conversion table .

How your body changes

10 glasses a day…

The uterus begins to move forward and upward, decreasing the pressure on the bladder and thus reducing the urge to urinate . In addition, the placenta has almost completed its maturation and has started working at full capacity, which may finally give you some relief from symptoms such as nausea, fatigue and mood swings.

If dizziness and headaches return, try to avoid abrupt changes of position and take care of hydration , especially in the hot season and during sports: in general, remember that a pregnant woman should take about 1.5- 2 liters of water a day , which corresponds to more or less 10 glasses .

Wellness on the go

As the nausea subsides, you may feel more hungry . Even the energies could start to increase and, if you haven’t already done so, this could be the right time to enroll in a course for pregnant women : between gentle gymnastics , yoga , pilates and swimming , nowadays there really is just spoiled for choice.

Practicing suitable physical activity during pregnancy will prepare your body to better support the weight of the belly and will help you prevent, or at least alleviate, many of the typical ailments of sweet expectation, as well as get back in shape faster after the pregnancy . I leave.

Every baby bump is different

The linea nigra (or linea alba) , a darker strip of skin that runs vertically across the abdomen, passing through the belly button, may appear on your belly  . Don’t worry: it’s just a small “side effect” of the hormones in circulation, which can favor the accumulation of melanin in some areas of the body, and it usually disappears after childbirth.

Meanwhile, you may be wondering if your belly is too big or too small , based on what gestational age you’re in. Try not to compare yourself to other women on size – there are so many factors that determine how big your baby bump will get. Sizes may vary based on the effect of hormones, pre-pregnancy weight, how many babies you’ve already had and your muscle structure. Your belly will likely be smaller if it’s your first pregnancy and you have an athletic figure, or larger if you’re expecting twins and have a larger build. All bumps are different!

How the child grows

It is about 4 centimeters long , about the size of a plum , and weighs about 14 grams .

First grimaces and… smiles!

Your baby is fully formed from head to toe and his internal organs are developing very rapidly: the brain , in particular, already has the same structure it will have at birth and the nerve connections that connect it to the muscles allow him to move continuously. more intentional .

Well protected by the amniotic fluid, your little one is now practicing putting his whole body to work and moves a lot, as you’ve probably seen from the ultrasound: he opens and closes his hands , rotates his ankles and wrists, but that’s not all. He even learned to frown , purse his lips and  smile!

Is it seen or not seen?

The bones in his arms and legs are hardening, thanks to the calcium you provide them. The skin is thickening and hair follicles are forming , while tooth bud development continues inside the mouth . Meanwhile, the genitals should be clearly visible and a careful ultrasound could already determine the sex . Confirmation, however, will come from subsequent ultrasounds, and precisely with the second trimester ultrasound, called  morphological.

Do you know that…

Even if your baby’s teeth have already begun to form, you will have to wait between the 5th and 7th month of life to see the first milk tooth appear .

For the dad

  • Pregnancy is a time of enormous change and, as such, can be a source of great stress not only for your partner, but for you as well. Try to talk about your difficulties and try to find solutions together, perhaps asking for help and advice from family , friends , or professionals .
  • Physical activity is a powerful ally against anxiety and tiredness. Whether it’s a real sport or a simple walk in the open air , try to find time for some exercise: it will help you release tension and regain good humor and energy !

Checks and exams to do

  • Nuchal translucency

These days it is possible to perform obstetric ultrasound for the study of nuchal translucency . This non-invasive test is performed exclusively between weeks 11+0 and 13+6 of gestation and allows, combined with the Bi-Test in the so-called combined test , to calculate the probability that the fetus has some chromosomal abnormalities.

As an alternative to non-invasive tests or if these show the risk of anomalies, this week it is possible to undergo  chorionic sampling , an invasive test  which consists in the removal of a very small part of the chorionic villi (the tissue from which the placenta is formed) through a needle inserted below the navel. This sampling is performed to diagnose the presence of chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in the unborn child.

Click here to see the tests you can take for free within the 14th week of gestation.

Advice from the 12th week of pregnancy

  • Especially now that the nausea is starting to subside, try to follow a healthy and balanced diet , which allows you to take in an adequate amount of vitamins and mineral salts.
  • To increase the calcium intake , very important for the development of your child’s skeleton, choose a bicarbonate-calcium mineral water, particularly rich in this micronutrient. Other sources of calcium are: milk , dairy products , anchovies, anchovies, broccoli and radicchio, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts and dried figs . 
  • Don’t forget to continue taking a folic acid -based supplement : the recommended daily dose during pregnancy is 400 µg  per day , in addition to that introduced with food.

Here is also a list of the foods richest in folate to include in your diet:

To know more

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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