
Thirty-seventh week of pregnancy

Congratulations! Even if there are still 3 weeks left to the expected date of delivery, at the 37th week of pregnancy the baby is considered full-term.

Weight and length at 37 weeks

Month 9th month
Gestational age from 36+0 to 36+6
Length of the fetus (*) 47.4cm
Weight of the fetus (*) 2745 grams
Weight gain (**) +14kg
Moms group April 2023

How many months is 37 weeks pregnant?

At week 37  you are in the first half of the ninth month of gestation and there are about 3 weeks left until your due date . To know the exact correspondence between months and weeks of pregnancy you can use our conversion table .

37 per  week: frequent symptoms

How your body changes

Preterm birth ends

From this week you may start to feel more relaxed, knowing that if you were to give birth at 37 weeks, your baby would be considered full-term . At the same time, especially if the pregnancy was difficult or complicated, you may feel very tired and look forward to the first contractions. Try to still have a little patience! Even if your baby is practically mature, the next few weeks will serve to complete its development of him, so that he can better face life outside the womb.

If, on the other hand , you are expecting twins , your wait is almost over: in fact, for multiple pregnancies, the term usually expires between the 37th and 38th week .

Warning signs

You’re probably keen to catch any symptoms that might indicate that labor is approaching. One of the possible clues is the so-called loss of the mucus plug , which occurs when the cervix begins to dilate in preparation for childbirth.

To recognize it, check your vaginal discharge: unlike normal white discharge (called leucorrhoea), the mucous plug has a gelatinous and compact appearance , opaque white or transparent in color , with possible streaks of pink or brown blood .

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to notice the loss of the mucous plug, because its detachment can take place little by little or after labor has already begun . Also, even though its expulsion indicates that your body is preparing for delivery, it could be as long as a week or two before contractions begin.

For this reason, when you observe the loss of the mucus plug, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. If, on the other hand, this event should be accompanied by abundant loss of bright or dark red blood, similar to a period , it is important to go to the emergency room immediately .

The Nest Syndrome

Other symptoms that labor is near could be a feeling of pressure in the groin or pain in the lower abdomen (due to the baby descending into the pelvic area), more frequent or uncomfortable Braxton-Hicks contractions , or an increase mood swings .

Furthermore, many expectant mothers, shortly before the big event, show the so-called nest syndrome , i.e. an instinctive need to clean and tidy up the house , so that everything is ready to welcome the baby. Everything normal! The important thing is to pay attention not to get too tired and to avoid situations where there is a risk of falling .

How the child grows

It is about 47 centimeters long , as long as a savoy cabbage , and weighs about 2.73 kilograms .

Here come the dimples!

Your little one is getting plumper due to the accumulation of fat under the skin and has small dimples appearing on his elbows, knees and shoulders The vernix continues to decrease, while the fluff should have practically disappeared. In the latter part of your pregnancy, your baby produces large amounts of sex hormones and as a result, his genitals may appear slightly enlarged at birth.

Protests in the belly

The brain , lungs and digestive system continue to develop. Even as space in the womb shrinks, your little one continues to move at his own pace of activity . Additionally, when you get into positions that make him feel too constricted, you may even feel him kicking in protest .

Do you know that…

Only 5 out of 100 children are born on the expected day : 50% of births occur within a week of the deadline and almost 90% within 2 weeks .

For the dad

If your partner has entered a state of hyperactivity that drives her to tidy up rooms and drawers and clean the house thoroughly, don’t be alarmed: it is a completely natural instinct. Instead, try to help her as much as possible to avoid stress and overexertion.

Checks and exams to do

If your baby is still in the breech or transverse position , your gynecologist may offer to perform the so-called reversal maneuver (also called external maneuver reversal or RME) this week. This procedure is done under ultrasound supervision , to monitor the baby’s well-being, and can only be done in a hospital setting .

Click here to see the tests to be done between the 34th and 38th week of gestation

Advice from the 37th week of pregnancy

  • Continue to practice the perineal massage , to prepare the tissues for the passage of the baby. By improving the elasticity of the perineum you will reduce the risk of lacerations and episiotomies, for a faster postpartum recovery.
  • According to some studies, the infusion of raspberry leaves has a toning effect on the muscles of the uterus, helping to have more effective and less painful contractions during labour , for a faster and more comfortable delivery. Prepare it like this: boil water in a saucepan and add two pinches of dried raspberry leaves ; leave to infuse for 10 minutes, filter and sugar to taste. The recommended dose is 3 cups a day for the entire ninth month .
  • The deadline is approaching and you are worried? Don’t listen to other moms’ birthing stories! Instead, pay attention to the advice of your midwife , who will be able to give you all the information you need to face this extraordinary event in the best way. Also remember that the experience of giving birth is unique and personal and that every mother, at the right time , finds within herself all the strength and energy to deliver her baby!
Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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