
The rights and duties of civil or religious marriage. A focus on fidelity

Our constitution states that “the family is a natural society founded on marriage”.

The word marriage therefore takes on two different meanings:

  • Legal act constituting the family
  • Legal relationship

Marriage understood as a legal act is regulated by both civil law and canon law. In fact, we associate two types of marriage:

  • Civil marriage celebrated before the registrar
  • Marriage by concordat celebrated before a Catholic minister of religion having both civil and religious effects with transcription in the civil status registers. thanks to the Concordat between Church and State of 1929-

Marriage as a legal relationship is governed solely by civil law (art. 143-148 of the civil code) and by the Constitution which recognizes the same rights and duties for spouses as it is based on their moral and legal equality,


It is  the normal coexistence between husband and wife, that is, the communion of home and sex life which represents the social model of conjugal coexistence. Both spouses must mutually agree on the residence of the family according to the needs of both and of the family itself (art. 144). In the event of disagreement, each spouse can ask for the intervention of the judge, who decides on the solution that he deems most suitable for the needs of family life.

The obligation of cohabitation ceases with the separation while its violation is determined with the removal without just cause from the marital home by one of the spouses. 

Spouses must choose together where they will live. The chosen home represents the place where most of the common family life takes place. However, the original meaning of physical coexistence can no longer be attributed to the duty of cohabitation. It is necessary to separate the concept of cohabitation from that of family residence . The legislator requires the agreement of the parties for the establishment of the family residence, but at the same time grants each spouse the right to choose his domicile in the place where he has his own interests and business, necessary to fulfill the obligation of collaboration and contribution to the satisfaction of the needs of the family. So the fundamental value protected by law is established by the family, pursued through thematerial and spiritual communion of life , of which cohabitation (in the sense of physical proximity) does not represent an essential dimension.
Removal from the family residence without just cause invalidates the duty of cohabitation which is also linked to the obligations of assistance and family collaboration. The Court of Cassation with sentence n. 20509 of 14 February 2012, establishes that the abandonment of the marital home before the application for separation and without a valid reason automatically triggers the charge to be paid by the spouse who terminated the cohabitation . Especially when she did it to embark on a new romantic relationship.

Moral and material assistance

Each spouse must meet the needs of the family in proportion to their substance and ability to work professionally and/or at home; each must meet the material needs of the other when the latter is unable to provide for them (typical case of job loss).


The duty of fidelity consists in the obligation to abstain from sexual relations with another person . Non-compliance is devoid of any criminal significance, being able to detect only as a moment of attribution of responsibility for the separation to one of the spouses; this, moreover, when the causal link between unfaithful conjugal behavior and marriage crisis is proven, since an isolated behavior that has not explained a real impact on the family unit is not sufficient to determine the separation charge.

Loyalty and Separation:

The art. 151 of the Civil Code states that: “ Separation can be requested when, even independently of the will of one or both spouses, facts such as to make the continuation of cohabitation intolerable or to seriously prejudice the education of the offspring occur.
The Judge, pronouncing the separation, declares, where the circumstances exist and where required, which of the spouses is responsible for the separation, in consideration of his behavior contrary to the duties deriving from marriage “

In the regulations in force, the statement of charge can be pronounced by the judge ” if requested ” and if ” the circumstances of the charge are met “.
The prerequisite for the declaration of debit is conscious and voluntary behavior contrary to the duties deriving from marriage (pursuant to article 143 of the civil code, reciprocal obligation of fidelity, moral and material assistance, collaboration in the interest of the family and cohabitation).
According to the consistent jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, the declaration of charge of the separation requires proof that the irreversibility of the marital crisis can be connected to the behavior contrary to the duties arising from the marriage of one or both spouses, since there is a causal link between it and the determination of the intolerability of cohabitation (among others Civil Cassation June 27, 2006 n. 14840; Civil Cassation June 11, 2005 n. 12383).

According to the Judges, the judgment of the charge cannot be based solely on the violation of the duties arising from the marriage, but it is instead necessary to ascertain whether this violation did not occur when it had already occurred and as a result of a situation of intolerability of cohabitation (among other Courts Civil 28 April 2006 n. 9877).

The Judges of the Supreme Court recently pronounced themselves on the issue of the violation of the obligation of fidelity and affirmed that ” it represents a particularly serious violation, which must generally be considered a sufficient circumstance to determine the charge of the separation against the responsible spouse ” but “ it being understood that there must be a causal link between infidelity and the marital crisis, which fails where there is a pre-existing crisis already irremediably in progress ” (Civil Cassation 23 May 2008, n.13431).

Still on the matter, the Judges ruled that ” the obligation of fidelity is to be understood not only as abstention from extramarital affairs, but as a commitment, falling on each spouse, not to betray mutual trust or not to betray the relationship of physical and spiritual relationship between spouses, which lasts as long as the marriage lasts.

The notion of fidelity should be compared to that of loyalty which requires sacrificing the interests and individual choices of each spouse that prove to be in conflict with the commitments and prospects of common life. In this framework, emotional infidelity becomes a component of a broader fidelity which translates into the ability to sacrifice one’s personal choices to those imposed by the bond of the couple and by the partnership that is based on it  . They reiterate the thought of the jurisprudence of the Court and affirm “the Judge cannot base the ruling on the mere non-compliance with the duties pursuant to art. 143 of the Civil Code having, on the other hand, to verify the effective incidence of the related violations in determining the situation of intolerability of coexistence.”

The infidelity of a spouse does not escape this rule which, although representing a particularly serious violation, especially if implemented through a stable extramarital relationship, can be relevant for the purposes of the chargeability of the separation only when it was the cause or contributing cause of the fracture of the marital relationship and not also, therefore, if it turns out not to have explained the concrete negative impact on the family unit and on the continuation of the cohabitation itself: as happens when the judge ascertains the pre-existence of a rupture that is already irremediably in place because it is autonomous and independent of the subsequent violation of the duty of loyalty ” (Civil Cassation 11 June 2008 n.15557).

Therefore, from the rulings of the Supreme Court it is clear that in order for the violation of one of the obligations arising from marriage to lead the judge to charge the separation to the offending spouse, it is necessary that the crisis of the union is attributable to the violation .
In the event that it is not possible to demonstrate that the violation of the obligations arising from the marriage was the (sole or prevailing) cause of the separation, as a different cause of intolerability of cohabitation pre-existed, the judge will have to pronounce the separation without charge .

Obligation to maintain and educate offspring

Spouses as parents have the obligation to educate, instruct and maintain their offspring according to their income from work and/or household income and respecting the natural inclinations and aspirations of their children.

In short, even marriage, understood as a juridical act, must submit to rules in order to be such.

As long as there is love and everything runs smoothly, none of the spouses bothers to go and read the points mentioned above, and everything is taken for granted.

Obviously the wish is to continue to take them for granted “forever”.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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