The first gynecological visit during pregnancy: when to do it and what it consists of
The first gynecological visit during pregnancy is called the first obstetric visit . Its purpose is to evaluate the health of the expectant mother and to monitor the early stages of the child’s development .
But when should you make the first visit during pregnancy? Who to contact? And above all, what does it consist of?
In this article, we will try to answer all the questions concerning this first fundamental appointment.
When to make the first visit during pregnancy?
Once the test has given a positive result, the first thing to do is to call the gynecologist or midwife , to communicate the pregnancy status and book the first checkup. If you already have a trusted professional, during the phone call they could already indicate the first blood and urine tests to be carried out, which can be prescribed by your general practitioner .
Generally, the first visit during pregnancy is scheduled between the 7th and 10th week of gestation, i.e. about a month after conception. Before this date, in fact, ultrasound is not able to show anything relevant on the development of the fetus.
In this regard, it should be remembered that, by convention, the counting of the weeks of pregnancy starts from the first day of the last menstruation , i.e. when fertilization has not yet taken place.
Who to contact: gynecologist or midwife?
Most Italian women, when they discover they are pregnant, decide to entrust themselves to a gynecologist , privately or through the National Health Service. Few people know, in fact, that in the event of a physiological pregnancy (ie a low-risk pregnancy ) the figure in charge of assisting the future mother is actually that of the midwife .
This healthcare professional not only takes care of “delivering the babies”, but can follow the woman (and the couple) throughout the pregnancy , ensuring continuity of assistance before, during and after the birth . Like the gynecologist, you can operate both privately and within a hospital structure or a family consulting room . Furthermore, some freelancers also follow the future mother at home , supporting her during labor and postpartum .
Whatever your choice, remember that the important thing is to entrust yourself to a trusted figure , who makes you feel safe and at ease . Also bear in mind that, if necessary, both the gynecologist and the midwife can request the advice of other specialists .
First visit during pregnancy: what does it consist of?
The first obstetric visit includes a series of questions and instrumental investigations to evaluate the pregnancy in its entirety.
During the appointment, the gynecologist or midwife will take note of everything related to your health, such as:
- age, height and body weight
- medical history (the so-called anamnesis) and lifestyle
- date of last menstruation (to calculate the expected date of delivery )
- possible intake of vitamins and/or supplements (and in particular folic acid )
- blood and urine tests (if already done)
They will also measure your blood pressure , perform an internal gynecological examination and (if it’s not too soon) perform an ultrasound scan to observe your child’s development.
The first visit during pregnancy is also the moment in which the gynecologist or midwife will give you indications on the correct lifestyle to follow while pregnant, on the integration of folic acid to be taken, on the management of symptoms and on the alarm bells which may indicate the presence of possible complications.
Finally, they will also show you prenatal diagnosis techniques to detect the presence of any chromosomal and genetic abnormalities in the fetus, so that you can make an informed choice.
The first ultrasound: what can you see?
The first obstetric ultrasound is certainly one of the most awaited moments of the whole pregnancy. But be careful: the embryo is still very small and you won’t be able to see much. On the other hand, this examination could reserve you a great emotion: most likely, in fact, you will be able to hear your child’s heartbeat for the first time. However, it should be emphasized that, currently, healthcare professionals are advised to wait until the 10th week of pregnancy before having a heartbeat heard.
The first ultrasound is generally performed transvaginally ( i.e. by inserting the probe inside the vagina) and allows you to view:
- the presence and location of the gestational chamber
- the embryo
- the neck of the uterus
- the genital system
In addition to providing valuable information on the progress of pregnancy, these elements are essential for establishing the gestational age more precisely (i.e. for calculating how many weeks you have been pregnant).
Exams to do after the first visit during pregnancy
If it has been more than 3 years since your last Pap smear , your obstetrician or midwife may decide it should be done, either at this visit or at a later appointment.
In addition, you will be prescribed some routine tests , if they have not already been requested , including:
- blood group and Rh factor
- blood exam completed
- indirect Coombs test
- urinalysis
- glycemia
- search for antibodies to the rubella virus (rubeo-test)
- search for anti-toxoplasma antibodies (toxo-test)
- detection of anti-cytomegalovirus antibodies
All these analyzes are part of the tests that can be carried out free of charge through the National Health Service .
In the case of particular pathologies or risk factors, further specific tests could be scheduled .
How to prepare for the first visit during pregnancy
This meeting does not require any particular preparation. However, if you have a file concerning tests , pathologies or previous pregnancies , do not forget to bring it with you , so that the gynecologist or midwife can have a more complete picture of your clinical situation.
Furthermore, it is important to remember that the first visit during pregnancy is a precious opportunity to ask all the questions that are closest to your heart and express your doubts and concerns . Try to take advantage of it and speak up. In order not to forget anything, it can be useful to prepare a list .
How much does the first visit during pregnancy cost?
The first obstetric visit is part of the services offered free of charge by the National Health Service to all pregnant women, regardless of age or pathology. Alternatively, the visit can be performed privately , with variable costs depending on the professional and the chosen structure.
Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.