
The 1 year old boy

The baby’s first birthday has arrived . A very special occasion to gather friends and family and blow out the first candle together!

It is also time to take stock , reviewing all the great progress made over the course of the 12 months. It’s true that by now technology pushes to archive photos in the form of files but it’s always nice to be able to browse the printed photos in an album.

So don’t give up on creating one! As children grow up, they will continue to enjoy them! (and above all they are not lost if the computer breaks…)

How much has he grown?

In just one year, the child has transformed from a completely helpless newborn into a small independent person.

A 1-year-old baby’s weight is probably three times  what it was at birth.

At 12 months, the baby’s brain is 60% of its adult size. After a year of incredible growth now the baby will start to slow down so don’t expect the same rhythms as in the previous months.

What can he do?

Your 1-year-old should be able to stand on his own and may have already started taking a few shy little steps on his own.

Keep your camera handy  or your phone ready to capture the first steps !

At this age they can eat by themselves with their hands, they help mum and dad while they dress them, they turn the pages of a book, in short, they start making those small gestures that they have seen you do for all the previous months.

They are also able to handle everyday objects such as spoon, telephone, hairbrush well.

When does a 1 year old sleep?

Around one year of age, the child sleeps much more during the night than during the day; most children of this age continue to take their afternoon nap, while the morning nap is becoming a thing of the past.

What does it eat?

At one year, it is possible to make the transition from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk. Ask your pediatrician about the method, they generally recommend diluting cow’s milk the first few times to gradually switch to full milk.

The baby needs extra fat for growth and brain development. In this regard, it would be advisable not to choose foods with reduced fat content unless your pediatrician asks you to.

The one-year-old who has been weaning for 6 months is now able to taste almost all types of food. You can find all the details in the complete guide to weaning and complementary feeding .

Pay particular attention to the risk of suffocation. For example, don’t offer whole grapes that could get stuck in the throat, and always stay close to your child during meals.

How does it communicate?

The 1-year-old’s vocabulary is expanding rapidly . You probably hear him say “mama” or “papa” frequently and at this age, when he says them, he’s really calling to you. He also learned to say “no”. Being a good imitator, you will see that he will imitate you in your speech.

The child becomes more and more sociable, understands more and more what people are saying when they speak to him and is using all his language skills to attract the attention of those around him .

He’s also learning to test your patience limits, using the “no” or some tantrum. She tries to be firm to make the child understand that these behaviors aren’t nice while she rewards  when he’s good  with the right appreciation.

The child also shows preferences in terms of people. He can get shy or anxious in the presence of strangers and clings to you when you are about to leave the room. Both separation anxiety and fear of strangers are fleeting phases.

Try to indulge his fears, reassuring him that you will be back soon when you go out and try to make the separation as quick and painless as possible.

The first shoes

Now that your baby has started walking, it’s time to buy a pair of shoes. I know you are attracted by trendy or nice shoes but the choice of the first shoes should be made only in terms of comfort and wearability.

Go to a store that specializes in children’s shoes and ask the seller to measure your child’s foot. Make sure there is enough foot space in the shoes. You will probably need to change them after 2-3 months as your feet will continue to grow quite quickly.


The 1-year-old has world exploration as a favorite pastime. So give him ideas to make his discoveries and conquests. Have them use unbreakable containers, such as plastic ones, wooden spoons…

The basket of treasures  is always a simple game and much appreciated by children of this age.

Pay attention to the cot, evaluate whether to remove or lower the sides so that it can get off the cot by itself without hurting itself.

In the car, the child must always be strapped into a suitable seat , preferably positioned facing away from the direction of travel.

Don’t forget the usual and routine checkup at the pediatrician.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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