Terms and Conditions

The content of this site comes from passion and personal experience. The information provided through the site has no medical value and any opinion expressed through the site (through comments, forums, etc.) does not replace the opinion of a doctor .

The pages containing medical information are for informational and educational purposes only, they do not constitute a self-diagnosis or self-medication tool, they do not replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor.

The sending of comments, personal data, personal photos and photos of minors is not under the responsibility of Periodo Fertile, but of whoever publishes them. In case of problems, the judicial authorities will be notified of the data in possession, freely provided by the users, for judicial purposes.

Fertile Period and cannot control all discussions, communications and materials (photos, images) you post or upload and is not responsible for the content of any materials and communications.

However, Fertile Period reserves the right to block or remove discussions, images and communications that result at its discretion

  • offensive, defamatory or obscene
  • fraudulent, deceptive or misleading,
  • in violation of copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights,

and to proceed with legal actions where necessary.

If you wish to report content or behavior that violates these terms of use, you can write to [email protected]
All messages, advice, opinions or other information contained in any discussion should not be construed as professional advice or instructions.

Login with the personal profile, on the forum and on the chat

Access to forums, chats and people area is only possible for registered users. Once authenticated, the chat will only be visible on the “chat” page.

Your participation in the discussions takes place in real time and is not modified, censored, or in any case controlled immediately by the Fertile Period which, however, reserves the right to monitor the contents (including private messages) of the service and to remove what in its sole discretion , considers to be harmful, offensive, or in any case in violation of the guidelines of users.

Refer to the following sections “Using the forum” and “Using the chat” for more details.

Users may not post or transmit messages that are libelous, defamatory, or that disclose private or personal information about any person. Users may not post or transmit messages, data, images or videos that are indecent, obscene or pornographic.

Users may not post or transmit messages, data, images or videos that infringe the proprietary rights of others, including unauthorized copyright of text, images and videos, trade secrets or other confidential information, trademarks or service marks used fraudulently.

Users may not post or transmit any message that is harmful, threatening or offensive.

It is not the intention of Fertile Period to discourage users from taking any different position however Fertile Period reserves the right to act as it deems appropriate in instances where the Service is used to disseminate statements that are deeply and broadly offensive and/or harmful.

Users may not post or transmit charity requests, signature petitions, or chain letters. They may not post or transmit any advertising, promotional material, or any other solicitation to use any goods or services, except in those areas that are designated for that purpose.

Users may not use the facilities and activities of the site service to conduct any activity or facilitate the execution of any activity that is illegal or violates the rights of others.

In the forum, in the comments and in the chat it is forbidden to recommend medicines , as only a doctor consulted in person can do so. Even if in good faith, recommending a medicine which may not only be useless or wrong, but may have side effects, and therefore be dangerous.

Using the forum

The Conceivecorner.com forum is open to everyone and encourages freedom of expression and sharing .

In order for the forum to remain a serene place for exchanging opinions, experiences and advice, we ask for your cooperation .

Report  any transgression or problem to  [email protected] to allow us to intervene as soon as possible.

Failure to comply with the rules listed below will result in immediate exclusion from the forum at the discretion of the administrator and authorized moderators.

In the forum and chat it is NOT allowed

  1. send aggressive, violent, insulting or critical messages aimed at creating tension or defamatory
  2. offend institutions or religions of any faith
  3. send propaganda messages
  4. send racist, homophobic or sexist messages
  5. write messages not related to the topics (the so-called OT = off topic)
  6. participate in the forum/chat with multiple nicknames 
  7. publish images or links deemed obscene  and offensive to the sensitivity of individuals
  8. send advertising messages of all kinds and links to competing sites that deal with themes similar to Conceivecorner.com
  9. send messages containing personal data (email, telephone number, address, …) of their own or of third parties
  10. share phone numbers for  Whatsapp groups or Share links for telegram or similar groups 
  11. send messages to advertise
  12. send spam or repetitive messages
  13. ask for the reading of the medical analyzes . There are no doctors authorized to read analyzes or give advice. We remind you that the tests must always be evaluated by the prescribing doctor
  14. sell drugs of any kind : Conceive Corner assumes no responsibility for drugs exchanged through agreements between users through the site
  15. recommend medicines , as only a physician consulted in person can do so. Even if in good faith, recommending a medicine which may not only be useless or wrong, but may have side effects, and therefore be dangerous.
  16. pretend to be another person
  17. report texts taken in their entirety from other sites
  18. advertise surrogate motherhood

We also ask you to…

  1. do not write messages in capital letters which is equivalent to SCREAMING
  2. if you report texts it is mandatory to cite the source always in terms of copyright
  3. ask the site administration for permission by sending an email to [email protected]  if you submit a questionnaire or research
  4. be tolerant of those who make syntactic or grammatical errors: the writer is in any case required to improve their language so that it is understandable to all
  5. limit the use of the “quote” to make the discussion more understandable


All forums are moderated.

There are managers, called moderators , who are responsible for enforcing the rules and maintaining calm and mutual respect in the forum. It is to them that you must refer in the first place for any event linked to your stay on the forum, using private messages or e-mail.

Moderators are forum users who supervise the correct use of the forum, so if they invite you to fix your signature, if they reproach you for being off topic, etc., try not to be hostile, I’m here to help keep the forum more usable possible, there is nothing personal.

While the administrators and moderators of this forum will try to remove or edit all objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is still impossible to verify every post. However, you are aware that all posts in this forum express the views and opinions of the author and not those of the administrators, moderators or webmasters (except posts from them) and are therefore not liable for prosecution.

Acceptance of the regulation

Proceeding with the registration to the forum, the regulation is declared accepted in all its parts by the user who registers together with the privacy policy and the terms of use.

Use of Chat

The site administrators reserve the right to temporarily or permanently exclude, without notice, access to the chat or to the site itself to users who do not observe the rules.

All contents sent through the chat, both visible to all participants and addressed to a specific group of people or even to a single person (so-called “private messages”) remain at the disposal of the administrator or his specifically authorized collaborators according to the regulations of current privacy in order to ensure that the rules set out below are strictly respected.

Violations that imply non-compliance with the laws of the civil code and/or the penal code may be reported to the competent authorities with the relative references to the authors (names, email addresses, IP addresses, etc.).

When the chat is active there is a Moderator user whose exclusive task is to enforce these regulations.

Your username

  • It is forbidden to create and use  usernames that are offensive, racist, defamatory, vulgar , in questionable taste, pornographic or allusive to the genitals of both sexes.
  • Political usernames (names of political parties or movements), or names that  offend institutional offices are prohibited, and usernames that advocate Nazism/Fascism or in any case terrorist acts/persons are prohibited.
  • Usernames containing telephone/mobile numbers or in any case personal data with the exception of date of birth are prohibited.
  • Usernames that contain website addresses are prohibited.
  • Usernames that  promote civil disobedience, subversion, or encourage the use of drugs and illegal activities are prohibited.
  • Usernames containing words such as administrator, admin, leader, etc. are prohibited as they may cause confusion among users.
  • Usernames that in any case could create havoc in the chat are prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to create and use usernames that refer directly or indirectly, whether in Italian or foreign language, to  sexual practices such as sadomasochism or others not suitable for viewing by minors.
  • It is prohibited  to create clones of existing usernames and even more prohibited to use such clone-usernames to unduly replace the cloned user


  • It is forbidden  to advertise in any form or manner, relating to services, products, personal services, websites and in any case in general
  • It is forbidden  to insult, threaten, defame, offend, abuse, swear or use pornographic expressions (or references to genital/sexual organs expressed in a vulgar or offensive form), incite violence, promote or provide information that instructs/incites illegal activities/actions , subversive, terrorist, or intend bodily harm or injury to any group or individual .
  • It is forbidden to make political propaganda of any kind or to make  speeches praising racism or Fascism/Nazism . Even lively and heated political discussions are allowed, but always with respect for the opinions of others and the other rules set out here.
  • It is forbidden to send  telephone/mobile numbers or information concerning personal data such as name and surname or domicile in public chat.
  • Spam and Flooding , i.e. sending “bursts” of messages/icons of any kind, are prohibited  . It is also forbidden to send “walls” of icons (a series of several rows of icons only) which disturb the room.
  • It is forbidden to send messages in Chat that may  spread panic, fear or doubts among users, just as it is forbidden to intimidate users with more or less veiled threats of hacking, cracking, IP Spoofing, etc.
  • It is forbidden  to impersonate administrators or system technicians or chat moderators
  • The soliciting of minors and all forms of behavior attributable to paedophile-type attitudes are prohibited .

All inappropriate situations found in Chat, but not listed or not expressed in these regulations, will be evaluated by the administrators of the Fertile Period, which will proceed, at its sole discretion , as it deems best for the correct conduct of the chat sessions.

Each user who accesses the Fertile Period chat subscribes to full observation of the regulation set out above, and is fully responsible for the messages and actions he sends/performs in the chat.

Copyright property

The copyright of this website and the material contained therein (including without limitation text, computer code, graphics, photographs, images, music, audio material, video material and audio-visual material on this website) are owned by Conceivecorner.com and Stelidea SRL

It is expressly prohibited to adapt, edit, modify, transform, publish, republish, distribute, redistribute, transmit, retransmit or display or publicly perform this website or the material contained therein (in any form or on any medium) without prior written permission from Stelidea SRL

The photos published within the pages and articles, where not specified, have been regularly purchased on well-known stock sites and used according to the relative licenses.