
Pregnancy exercises and month-by-month advice

Being pregnant and not having time to participate in courses for pregnant women or go to the gym is one of the most frequent things that can happen. As a result, you risk staying still for the entire nine months without pampering your body and keeping it moving.

For this reason, below, month by month, you will find some small exercises or tips to do in the comfort of your home.

2. Second month

Start with breathing. And if you think it’s a trivial, simple and useless thing, just try it to understand how many benefits it will bring you. Sit cross-legged, in this way you will choose the inguinal ligaments and go to relax the pelvis. Back straight, shoulders relaxed, place your hands on the abdomen and inhale push it out, exhale relax the abdomen bringing it back to the initial position.
Control thoughts, make sure there are only positive ones. Pay particular attention to hygiene this month .

3. Third month

Start exercising in the squat position. She will help you a lot during labor, be careful, if you suffer from hemorrhoids don’t take her for a long time.

You can use your partner for balance or to lean on a chair:

Drink a decoction of horsetail every day, it is rich in mineral salts and compensates for calcium deficiencies. You can drink several cups a day throughout pregnancy and even while breastfeeding. One tablespoon of the herb is added to each cup of cold water and boiled for 15 minutes and then left to rest and filtered. It can be drunk warm or even cold.

4. Fourth month

The belly begins to grow and the weight can cause pain in the joints and fatigue in the legs.

Sitting on the ground, keep your right leg straight and rest your left ankle on your right knee. Grab your toe with your hand and rotate the ankle clockwise and counterclockwise. Then reverse the position and perform the exercise on the opposite side as well.

This pose also helps strengthen the ankle joint. Also start nourishing your skin to avoid stretch marks .

Excellent vegetable oils such as sweet almond, wheat germ, St. John’s wort, cocoa butter or rosehip.

5. Fifth month

Learn rhythmic breathing and do it from now on and do it perfectly. It will be essential during the first part of labour, when the contractions are not yet pressing, energetic and you will need to calm down and let yourself go to your emotions.
Sit in a comfortable position, relax your shoulders, rest your hands on your knees:

count 3 seconds for inhalation, 3 seconds for holding and 3 seconds for exhalation.

Perform each exercise without forcing it and if three seconds are too short or long, adapt the number to your needs and your pace.

If you suffer from constipation , the night before, put a tablespoon of flaxseed in a cup of water and drink it in the morning.

6. Sixth month

Insert a second type of breathing into your day, the deep one. It will help you during labor when the contractions become intense.

Relax lying down or sitting down, imagine you are on the seashore, an audio cassette with the sound of the waves can help you breathe.

The air enters through the nostrils, arriving like a wave that bathes your body, bringing freshness and energy.

Then it comes out of your nose as the wave moving away from your body.

During labor imagine the contractions coming and going and rolling through your body just like the waves on the ocean.

As soon as you feel it coming, inhale deeply and slowly and let go as you exhale, trying to relax.

Don’t hold back the pain, don’t stiffen but let yourself go and breathe.

7. Seventh month

You learned :

  • Rhythmic breathing
  • Deep breathing
  • The crouched position

Use them every day at different times of the day.

The belly continues to grow and you may suffer from swollen feet.

In addition to measuring your blood pressure and consulting your pregnancy caregiver, take footbaths with two drops of geranium essential oil and two drops of rosemary oil and sleep with a booster seat under your feet.

8. Eighth month

It begins with the preparation of the perineum to get it used to being touched with massages.

To soften it every evening, prepare an infusion of linden and pour it into the bidet or into a bowl. Add water and soak the perineum for 5 minutes. After you dry, anoint it with sweet almond oil or any vegetable oil you already use.

A basic and simple exercise:
In a sitting position, with legs crossed, slowly contract the pelvic floor muscles as you inhale. Exhale relax.
It’s a very useful contraction, it helps to become aware of the muscles of your vagina, often remained unknown until pregnancy. Try to do these exercises several times a day and in different positions.

Drink the infusion of raspberry and alchemilla leaves every day to strengthen the fibers of the uterus. One teaspoon of herb is added per cup of boiling water.

9. Ninth month

Did you talk to the baby in your womb throughout your pregnancy?

This last month will be the pinnacle of your very close relationship so talk to him often with joy about when you will be together, your next meeting and what life will be like with you parents.
A fun exercise
Sitting in a comfortable position, with your back straight and shoulders relaxed, inhale and while holding your breath, bend your head forward, bring your tongue against the palate, swallow and keep your throat contracted for a few moments. Exhaling, release.
This contraction cleanses the tongue, freeing it from all impurities and promoting better calcium absorption.

The labor

It’s not the end but the beginning of your threesome: labor.
While you’re at home, put a few drops of jasmine essential oil into the burner. Breathe, let yourself be massaged, prepare a hot bath and pamper yourself. Together you are ready to welcome your baby.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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