Mucus and Ovulation: The Billings Method (Simple Version)
When the cervical mucus becomes stringy and similar to egg white it indicates that the moment of ovulation is approaching and therefore the period of maximum fertility of the cycle. In this article, we tell you how to monitor cervical mucus and its stages.
The cervical mucus method or Billings method is based on the observation of one of the primary symptoms of ovulation and allows you to identify your fertile days .
In fact, during the menstrual cycle, the cervical mucus changes its appearance and goes through different phases , which reflect the hormonal fluctuations by which female fertility is regulated.
In particular, the woman is more likely to become pregnant when the mucus is clear, stringy and elastic , with a consistency similar to the whites of a raw egg. For this reason, the cervical mucus that distinguishes the fertile period is precisely defined as “egg white mucus” .
What is cervical mucus
Cervical mucus is a secretion produced by the cells of the cervix . During infertile days and during pregnancy, mucus forms a gelatinous plug in the cervical canal and protects the uterus from attack by potentially harmful microorganisms.
Under the action of the hormones of the cycle, however, the mucus produced becomes more and more fluid and the cervix opens to allow fertilization . Furthermore, the mucus becomes less acidic and more “slippery”, increasing the survival of the spermatozoa and facilitating their ascent towards the uterus.
How to do mucus observation
Cervical mucus collection
First, wash your hands well to prevent the transmission of germs.
The most common methods for collecting a cervical mucus sample are:
- use toilet paper or a towel to collect some mucus from the entrance to the vagina;
- take the mucus by inserting a finger into the vagina and trying to get as close as possible to the cervix.
This second method is the one that allows you to actually collect the cervical mucus.
Observation of cervical mucus
Once the sample has been taken, to test its consistency it is necessary to take the secretion between two fingers, thumb and forefinger, as shown in the figure.
By opening and closing your fingers you will be able to understand if the mucus is elastic and fluid .
When to observe mucus
The appearance of the cervical mucus must be observed every day for at least two or three successive cycles , taking the sample every morning (possibly after measuring the basal temperature ).
This will help to understand how cervical mucus changes during the different phases of the cycle and therefore to determine more precisely the days close to ovulation, both to try to get pregnant and to avoid having unprotected intercourse on “risk” days.
In this regard, however, it is important to emphasize that women who do not wish to become pregnant should rely on safer methods of contraception than observation of cervical mucus . Among these, we mention the hormonal methods (pill or contraceptive ring), barrier methods (such as the condom, which has the advantage of protecting against many sexually transmitted diseases) or intrauterine devices.
How does mucus change before, during and after ovulation?
Cervical mucus goes through several phases during the menstrual cycle, changing as ovulation approaches and changing again after you ovulate.
Below, you will find an explanation of how mucus changes at various stages of the cycle , followed by a simplified chart.
1. Cervical mucus after menstruation (low probability of getting pregnant)
The first few days after menstruation there will be little or no mucus discharge . At the vaginal level you will feel a certain dryness. During these days, the chances of pregnancy are low , because the mucus forms a plug at the entrance to the uterus and is hostile to the passage of sperm.
2. Cervical mucus around ovulation (any chance of getting pregnant)
The first discharge seen after menstruation is sticky and thin and is usually white or cream in color .
When tested with your fingers, the mucus should break easily : you will practically not be able to move your fingers more than 1 cm without causing the rupture of the mucous filament.
During this transition time, the mucus increases, becomes gradually more elastic and decreases its acidity, to make the vaginal environment more and more favorable for the spermatozoa.
3. Mucus 1-2 days before ovulation and on the day itself (high probability of getting pregnant)
At this stage, the mucus is egg-white: thinner, clearer, and more abundant .
The finger test will show you that you can move your thumb and forefinger several inches apart before the strands of mucus are all broken. The presence of stringy mucus indicates that ovulation will occur after 1-2 days .
Its production increases up to the so-called ” fertile mucus peak “, which corresponds to the last day in which the probability of conception is high .
This moment is closely linked to ovulation (in fact we speak of ovulatory mucus). During this phase, the spermatozoa have a high survival rate within the mucus, which facilitates their progress thanks to an arrangement of the meshes which favors their progression.
These days sperm can survive in the cervical mucus for 72 hours or more , which is significantly longer than during the rest of the cycle.
The quality of the mucus is therefore important for fertilization.
4. Mucus after ovulation and before period (low probability of pregnancy)
On and shortly after ovulation, there is a marked change in the appearance of the cervical mucus.
In fact, we return to the sticky consistency phase and the finger test reveals that the filaments break immediately as soon as we try to distance the thumb and forefinger. Also returns the sense of vaginal dryness .
Summary table: Mucus types and fertility in a 28-day cycle
Phase of the menstrual cycle |
Type of mucus |
Sensation |
Fertility |
1 to 4 days after the end of the period |
Cervical mucus absent or thick and sticky. White or yellowish colour. |
Feeling of vaginal dryness. |
Infertile period. |
Days 4-6 |
Sticky cervical mucus. White color. |
Feeling of light vaginal moisture. |
Infertile period. |
Days 7-9 |
Creamy cervical mucus (similar to yogurt). Color usually white or cloudy. |
Feeling of vaginal wetness. |
Infertile period. |
Days 10-14 |
Cervical mucus elastic and stringy and light in color (similar to raw egg white). Subsequently watery and slippery. |
Strong wet feeling. |
Very fertile period. |
Days 14-28 |
Cervical mucus absent or thick until the onset of menstruation. |
Feeling of vaginal dryness. |
Infertile period. |
What can change the quantity and quality of mucus?
If this method is adopted, it must be kept in mind that there are factors that can interfere with a correct evaluation of the cervical mucus. Among these we find:
- vaginal infections ;
- presence of “little sores” of the uterus (ectropion) ;
- certain medications (including clomiphene , used to stimulate ovulation, and antihistamines );
- hormonal contraceptives ;
- breastfeeding ;
- vaginal lubricants ;
- surgical interventions at the level of the uterine cervix;
- feeding ;
- stress .
Similarly, it may be difficult to assess cervical mucus after unprotected intercourse . The presence of sperm in the vagina can in fact confuse the observation and give rise to erroneous conclusions.
Also, those who stop taking birth control pills after many years of taking it may find it difficult to observe the mucus, because its production has been stopped for a long time and it takes time to normalize.
Tools for monitoring cervical mucus e
To track your menstrual cycle easily and clearly, you can use our cervical mucus and basal body temperature tracking tool . Furthermore, if you wish, on our forum you can compare yourself with other women who are using the same method.
Ovulation test
In addition to the cervical mucus and basal temperature method, another important aid in finding pregnancy are ovulation tests .
These sticks are used in a similar way to common urine pregnancy tests and detect hormonal changes, giving very precise indications of the fertile days to get pregnant .
If you want to learn more about monitoring cervical mucus to increase your chances of pregnancy, you can read the in-depth explanation of Billings Method .
Questions and answers
If the mucus is stringy, after how many days does ovulation take place?
Usually, the presence of stringy mucus indicates that ovulation will occur after 1 or 2 days.
Does the mucus disappear if the egg has been fertilized?
When the egg is fertilized, the cervical mucus becomes thick and accumulates inside the neck of the uterus, forming the so-called “mucous plug”. Its job will be to protect the fetus from potentially dangerous microorganisms throughout the pregnancy.
Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.