Male or female? Here’s the test to find out!
Play to guess if it will be a boy or a girl with our quiz: answer the questions, add up the points obtained and find out what the sex of your baby could be!
If you and your partner are expecting a baby, you are probably eager to learn about sex. But is there a calculation or a test to know if it will be male or female ? If you want to answer this question, you’re in the right place: in this article, in fact, we have prepared a fun points quiz for you to find out if the bow will be pink or blue.
Future parents, relatives and friends have always tried to guess the sex of the future baby . This mystery, which today we can reveal with an ultrasound scan , was once solved only at the moment of birth. This has led to inventing many original methods to understand in advance whether a boy or a girl would arrive.
Of course, these are all predictions that should be taken as a game and for this reason they can be fun to do together with your partner, relatives or friends… and we also know that one time they get it right and the other they don’t .
So, just for fun, we can use them all together to make a simple calculation and understand if a boy or a girl will be born on the basis of a test . Nothing therefore of scientific value, but only a pleasant pastime.
Male or female? Calculation with the test
Before you begin, grab a pen and paper to keep track of your score . Each question has two answers, which have been assigned a value from 0 to 2 .
At the end of the quiz, calculate the sum of the points you have obtained and compare it with the result at the end of the questions.
When your obstetrician or midwife measured your baby’s heart rate, the heart rate was:
- less than 140 beats per minute (0 points)
- greater than 140 beats per minute (2 points)
If you look at yourself in front of the mirror, your bump is:
- high under the bust (2 points)
- low (0 points)
Is your face fuller and rounder?
- yes (2 points)
- no (0 points)
With pregnancy, the skin on your face:
- has as many pimples as always, if not worse (2 points)
- she no longer has pimples and has become nice and smooth (0 points)
Since you were pregnant your hands are:
- nice and soft (2 points)
- always dry (0 points)
If it were up to you, would you skip meals to eat dessert directly?
- absolutely yes (2 points)
- no, I don’t crave more sugar than when I wasn’t pregnant (0 points)
Do you have an irrepressible craving for salty foods?
- salt is my new best friend (0 points)
- nothing has changed (2 points)
If someone looks at you from behind can they tell you’re pregnant?
- yes, I also got bigger at the waist (2 points)
- no, you don’t notice anything from behind (0 points)
Did you suffer from morning sickness during the first trimester ?
- no, I didn’t suffer from it (0 points)
- yes, a lot (2 points)
Has your leg hair increased?
- no, nothing has changed(2 points)
- yes, it has increased (0 points)
Will it be male or female? Test result
If you got:
- more than 10 points , according to the test it will be a female ;
- exactly 10 points , the result is doubtful;
- less than 10 points , according to the test it will be a boy .
All that remains is to wish you a good pregnancy and a happy life with your child, whether male or female!
For all the info on pregnancy consult our area of the site , while if you want to share your experience with other mothers, you can subscribe to the forum !
Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.