
Italian couples prefer to adopt a dog instead of having a child

The statistics speak for themselves. In Italy births are decreasing and adopted dogs are increasing.

2015 was the year in which there were fewer births than ever but at the same time saw the increase in adoptions of pets, especially dogs.

It therefore seems that couples (or women?) prefer bowls and leashes to bottles, feeds and diapers.

In Italy there are currently 60 million dogs with a 2.4% increase in grooming and accessory costs.

We are also following a common trend in the United States where, according to the CDC, American women between the ages of 15 and 29 have fewer children but more dogs, organize parties for them and open FB and Instagram profiles dedicated to their pets.

But why should a woman choose a pet (apart from all those who cannot have children for various reasons) instead of becoming a mother?

They say a child raises your stress level, while a cat or dog seems to reduce it. In my case, however, just the idea of ​​having to pick up dog poop around causes me very high stress peaks!

Other reasons reported on why prefer a pet is that taking care of an animal is a ‘temporary’ commitment, while a child, like a diamond, is forever. Again I have objections. It may be that my mother-in-law’s cat is 22 years old but everything seems to me anything but temporary. Unless you mean by temporary that an animal can be abandoned/sold/given away at the first opportunity when you get tired of having it around; but then in this case it is better to avoid adopting it from the beginning! An animal is absolutely not a disposable object.

Another interesting reason that is reported to justify the choice of an animal over a child is that men are generally more willing to take care of a dog than to take care of a child.

But will it be true??

Many couples think that raising a child is a heavy economic commitment and that a stable and well-paid job is necessarily needed by both to be able to think of a family.

Like Claudia, 32 years old who explains “ I don’t feel responsible enough to dedicate myself to a child and I can’t afford it. To support a child, I would need a full-time, long-term employment contract, not a seasonal job like mine. But I don’t want to look for another job to earn more money just to support a child . “

Others think that an animal is a kind of training for the child. According to some women, taking care of a third party, making decisions based on the presence of another being helps to focus more on what is good for everyone and not just for the individual.

However, problems can also arise with an animal if the couple breaks up.

Who will take care of him? Is it really easier with an animal? Or the fact that it’s an animal gives us the “freedom” to “discard” it when we no longer want it?

Luna has just come out of a story and vents; ”  When you are alone and have to take care of everything, the dog is a problem. Not only is it difficult to manage, but it is also expensive to maintain. It needs care, just like a child; if he gets sick he needs attention and needs to be trained. While I’m at work I’m worried because it might bark and annoy the neighbors. I would like to do without it, maybe a cat would be better . “

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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