
Induced childbirth: how and why induction is done and how to prevent it

The induction is usually scheduled a little in advance, so that you can discuss the pros and cons with your gynecologist and obstetrician. The final decision is obviously up to you, who will have to sign an informed consent to the procedure.

All women would like to go through a natural and spontaneous birth. In some cases, however, to protect the health of the mother and the child, it is necessary to resort to induction of childbirth to speed up the birth.

When induction is recommended

Induction should be offered when:

  • The health of the mother and/or child is at risk and early delivery is recommended
  • The birth of the baby is late and the 41 weeks of pregnancy have been reached
  • Water broke but labor hasn’t started,
  • the woman’s obstetrical history makes induction necessary

If you are offered induction it is important to understand why. It could be suggested because you have high blood pressure or diabetes. The most common cause leading to induction is usually exceeding the expected due date.

The induction is usually scheduled a little in advance, so that you can discuss the pros and cons with your gynecologist and obstetrician. The final decision is obviously up to you who will have to sign an informed consent to the procedure.

Induction provides some techniques that can be practiced individually or in combination if labor does not continue independently.

The detachment of the membranes

It is a medical maneuver which consists in mechanically detaching the amniochorial membranes from the internal surface of the neck of the uterus without breaking them.

It is part of the first steps of induction and can be performed by your gynecologist or midwife. Some women describe it as a very painful process, others describe it as annoying but not particularly painful. It always depends on each woman’s pain threshold. It is a practicable maneuver only if the neck of the uterus is already slightly dilated. It is most successful if it is done after 41 weeks of pregnancy

The purpose of this maneuver is to get the body to release prostaglandins, the hormone that softens and thins the cervix.

Theoretically, after dissection, labor should begin within the next 48 hours. In the meantime there is also the possibility that water will break. If it happens you have to go to the hospital immediately.

If the detachment doesn’t work, the induction proceeds with:


Prostaglandin induction is performed in hospital. It usually involves inserting tapes that release the drug into the vagina.

The baby is monitored during stimulation as prostaglandins could cause painful contractions and create stress for the baby.

Rupture of membranes (amniorrhexis)

It can only be practiced if the neck of the uterus is dilated, therefore when labor is well underway.

After the membranes rupture, contractions can become more painful.

Foley catheter

Inserted transcervically and positioned above the internal uterine orifice, it is inflated with saline solution. It is used to ripen the cervix.


The synthetic form of oxytocin is given to promote uterine contractions. Increases the frequency and intensity of contractions and therefore the child must be continuously monitored.

How to avoid having to go to induction

Labor induction could make labor longer and more painful than the natural path and can expose you to some complications such as an increase in the fetal heart rate and an increase in the likelihood of resorting to a caesarean section. For this reason it should be used only when necessary.

There are a few techniques that can help go into labor naturally.

Let’s see some of the best known “aids” even if it is not said that they can have effects:

  • sex : sperm is rich in prostaglandins (the hormone that stimulates contractions) but you must avoid intercourse if you have broken water (due to the risk of infections). Kissing, nipple stimulation, and orgasms can increase oxytocin levels and thus promote labor.
  • spicy foods  : eating very spicy foods can increase bowel movements which sometimes favor the onset of contractions
  • a nice walk:   it can help the baby’s head descend and by pressing on the cervix it can stimulate contractions. Swimming is not recommended after 37 weeks of pregnancy due to the risk of infections if the ruptured membranes are not noticed
  • acupuncture : A qualified therapist in some acupuncture sessions could help, with and with the right stimulations, to start labor
  • Reflexology : Treatment for childbirth should be part of a larger program that should be started at 12 weeks of pregnancy
  • Osteopathy : A qualified osteopath should stimulate the pituitary gland to cause it to produce the hormones needed to start labor.
  • Phytotherapy : raspberry leaf tea 4 times a day
Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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