
How does the belly change in the second pregnancy

Is it normal for the belly to show up sooner or be bigger in the second pregnancy? Why does this happen? Here are all the answers!

We repeat it often: every pregnancy is different in symptoms, course and even in the size of the belly. For this reason, it is always good to avoid making comparisons not only with other mothers, but also with any previous pregnancies.

However, if you are wondering how your  belly  will change in the  second pregnancy , in this article you will be able to find some of the most common differences between expectant mothers.

For example, you may find that  your belly starts to show earlier , sometimes even  several weeks earlier than your previous pregnancy . Know that this is completely normal and very frequent after the first child.

But keep in mind that these differences may not apply to you. In general, therefore, try  not to worry if your belly is bigger or smaller  than in the past. In any case, if in any doubt, always consult your trusted gynecologist or midwife.

In the second pregnancy, the belly is seen earlier

Many women notice it and you may have already noticed it too: with the same weeks of gestation, often in the second pregnancy  the belly is seen earlier .

With the  first child , in fact, usually to see a little bacon appear, you have to wait at least until the  end of the first quarter  , i.e. from the  14th week  onwards.

In  subsequent pregnancies , however, some mothers may show the  first roundness  as early as the  10th week .

Consequently, if for the first pregnancy you waited until the second trimester to give the happy announcement, bear in mind that with the second  it could be more difficult to keep the secret  for just as long.

In the second pregnancy the belly is bigger

If on the one hand  the second child’s  belly tends to “sprout” well in advance, on the other hand it could appear  larger  in the same number of weeks.

Not surprisingly, in our  forum  it is very common to find mothers in their second pregnancy worried about having a  belly that is too big for  the gestational age.

Of course, there are several other factors that can influence the size of the baby bump, such as the  woman’s constitution  or a  twin pregnancy .

In the second pregnancy the belly is lower

The differences between the first pregnancy and the following ones do not only concern the size of the belly, but also the  position .

In fact, with the second child,  the belly may appear lower  and you may feel a greater sense of  pelvic pressure . Therefore, nothing to do with popular beliefs, according to which a low belly would mean that the mother is expecting a  boy .

What are the reasons for these differences?

First, don’t worry! It is completely normal for the second pregnancy belly to be different than the first.  But why are there these differences?

The reason lies in the fact that our body has kept a memory of the previous pregnancy.

The  abdominal and uterine muscles are more relaxed  than they were before, due to the strains suffered during the first pregnancy. As a result, they tend to stretch more easily and  offer less resistance  to the growing uterus: this is why the mother will show her bump much earlier or much more pronounced than in her first pregnancy.

The lower belly position also   depends on this  reduction in muscle tone .

Other possible causes

Of course, we must also not overlook the fact that the child could also be older than the first. Other reasons why the belly may appear sooner or be bigger with the second child could be:

  • twin pregnancy
  • second pregnancy very close to the first
  • hormonal causes, such as an increase in progesterone

In addition, a larger, more noticeable belly can sometimes be associated with the presence of   unresolved diastasis recti after the first child. This condition occurs when the rectus abdominis muscles (which move apart during pregnancy to make room for the growing uterus) don’t snap back into place after delivery.

In case of diastasis recti, your gynecologist or midwife will advise you on the right treatment, which generally consists of special exercises to strengthen muscle tone and avoiding movements that risk worsening this condition (such as the classic abdominal exercises).

Other differences between first and second pregnancy

In addition to the size or location of your belly, your second pregnancy may show other important differences .

In fact, it is quite common for the second child:

  • “feeling pregnant” sooner, as you are more familiar with  early pregnancy symptoms ;
  • have less breast discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • have more pronounced back pain;
  • feeling more tired , also due to the effort of looking after another child, perhaps still small;
  • being able to recognize fetal movements earlier  ;
  • feeling  Braxton-Hicks contractions   stronger or earlier;
  • have a shorter labor (or at least hope for it!);
  • experience uterine bites (contractions of the postpartum uterus) more intense;
  • initiate and manage breastfeeding more easily , thanks to the experience acquired with the first child.

And what do you tell us? Did you find any other differences?

Questions and answers

Does the belly grow faster with the second pregnancy?

Yes, it is quite common for the second child to notice the belly earlier than in the previous pregnancy.

When can you see the belly with the second pregnancy?

In most cases, with the second child, the belly starts to show between the 14th and  24th week  of pregnancy. However, some mothers may show it as early as 10 weeks  .

Why does the belly grow faster in the second pregnancy?

The reason is related to the lower muscle tone of the abdominal wall, which yields more easily to the pressure of the growing uterus.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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