Healthy Living

Gender reveal party: what to give?

What do you give away and what NOT do you give away at a gender reveal party? Here are our suggestions!

Have you received an invitation to a gender reveal party and don’t know what to give future parents? If you are already a mother, it will probably be enough to think back to your pregnancy and the first months of motherhood to find inspiration! But if you’re out of ideas, here’s everything you need to know to choose the right gift .

What is a gender reveal party?

The gender reveal party is a party to announce the gender of the baby . This is a fairly recent trend, but it is becoming increasingly popular among expectant couples.

It is usually organized by the future mother’s best friend, who in this case will be the only person who knows if the baby is a boy or a girl and will prepare a surprise to reveal the sex of the baby to both the parents and the guests. Alternatively, it can be organized by the parents themselves, alone or with the help of an accomplice.

Is the gift mandatory?

Usually not, unless the gender reveal party is also a baby shower . When in doubt, it’s always best to ask the organizers of the party . Being still a novelty, in fact, there is no precise label for this kind of event.

What to give at a gender reveal party?

If the couple has a birth list , starting from there is always a winning idea: this way you won’t run the risk of giving a useless or unwanted gift.

Typically, parents-to-be list accessories in various price ranges , so you shouldn’t risk overspending. Eventually, you can always think of a group gift , involving other guests.

Another possibility is that of a purchase voucher , for example in a store specializing in articles for pregnancy or early childhood. Almost all the stores now make practical gift cards available , which the mother can use for maternity shopping or to buy clothes and accessories for the upcoming baby.

If, on the other hand, no birth list has been shared or you prefer to opt for a more original or personalized gift , you can decide whether to choose a gift for the unborn child, for the future mother, for the future father or for the couple. Here are all our suggestions!

Gifts for the baby

Newborn clothing

Another very useful and practical idea is clothing, such as a bodysuit or a cotton or chenille onesie (depending on the season in which the baby will be born). In this case, the important thing is to choose a neutral color , since the gender is not yet known. Furthermore, it is better to avoid size 0 : it is often too small for newborns or in any case not very usable (they grow faster than you think!).

Newborn accessories

Other very popular gifts are playmats , blankets , bath kits (bathrobe and/or towel) and crib or cot sets : there are some super cute ones!

In addition, on the market you will find many offers of baby boxes , containing products for the care and hygiene of the baby in its first months of life.

Gifts for mom

Beauty products and treatments

Often the “sweet expectation” is much less sweet than you think and the expectant mother certainly deserves a little pampering. For this reason, beauty products will be very welcome, such as moisturizing creams and oils (to combat stretch marks on the breasts and belly) or massages (but only by certified operators!).

Some cosmetic companies make special maternity boxes , designed for the skin of pregnant and postpartum women.

Pregnancy T-Shirt

Another possibility is that of a personalized pregnancy T-shirt : there are many proposals on the market, some of which are very original and fun.

You can also opt for a coordinated set for the whole family: a t-shirt for mum and dad, any little brothers or sisters, and a bodysuit for the baby.

Pregnancy and/or breastfeeding pillow

pregnancy pillow will help the expectant mother find a more comfortable position during the night or when relaxing. Some models can also be used as nursing cushions , extremely useful for breastfeeding or bottle feeding.

Motherhood book

Pregnancy is a time when the woman prepares for the birth of the child and for motherhood, both physically and mentally: this is why a good book can be a very precious gift. If that’s your choice, you’ll find our selection of the best books for new mothers here .

Herbal tea for pregnancy

If the expectant friend is a fan of tea and infusions, it is possible to find different types of maternity teas on the market . In general, these are organic infusions, which contain herbs capable of counteracting the typical ailments of pregnancy, such as lemon balm (with a relaxing and anti-nausea effect) or passion flower (against insomnia).

Gifts for dad

Expecting Dad T-Shirt

As for the expectant mother, there are many proposals for funny t-shirts for expecting dads. From the classic “Keep calm, I’m about to become a dad” to the more ironic “Be kind to me, my wife is pregnant!”, there really is something for all tastes.

Baby carrier

This accessory will be very useful for the future dad (but not only), to carry the baby in his arms while having his hands free. But be careful to choose an ergonomic baby carrier (that respects the physiology of the child) and made of natural and breathable fabric .

Authorship book

Even for new dads, pregnancy can be a time of preparation. A good book will help him better understand what happens in the nine months of waiting and after the birth of the child, and to face the difficulties with greater awareness or simply with a pinch of irony.

Gifts for the couple


photoshoot with a specialized pregnancy photographer will be an unforgettable experience that will give you a wonderful memory. It can be done with the mother alone, with both parents or with the whole family.

Ultrasound frame

In shops and online stores it is possible to find various proposals for personalized frames , where to insert, for example, the photo of the first ultrasound and the first photo of the baby.

Baby footprint kit

A simple but effective gift is represented by the kits that allow you to make plaster casts of the newborn baby’s feet or hands. In this way, parents will be able to keep their fingerprints in a frame , which in some models can also house the child’s photo and other accessories (such as the identification bracelet delivered to the hospital).

Diaper change coin

If you are looking for a particularly nice and original idea for future parents, you can opt for the so-called “diaper coins” , i.e. special coins to be used as heads or tails for those who will have to change the diaper .

Pregnancy box for new parents

Finally, we offer you an idea for the whole family, which can be purchased ready-made or made independently . Basically, it is a question of combining some of the previous proposals in a single gift package , which will contain coordinated gifts for the future parents and the unborn child.

For example, the box may contain bodysuits and socks for the baby , a frame and/or a set for footprints , two personalized cups (one for mum and one for dad) and possibly a t-shirt dedicated to older brothers or sisters .

What not to give at a gender reveal party

Naturally, not yet knowing whether the couple is expecting a boy or a girl, gifts related to the sex of the child should be avoided .

Still talking about gifts not to give , we also advise against:

  • pacifier chains . In fact, not all parents decide to use the pacifier for their children and it could therefore be a useless gift.
  • cot bumper . According to the latest recommendations, they are not considered suitable safe for the newborn to sleep.
  • spa entrances. Even if spas are not per se forbidden, it is not advisable to stay in environments with high temperatures for a long time during pregnancy, especially if the expectant mother suffers from drops in blood pressure .
  • tastings (for mom or couple). A pregnant woman should avoid drinking alcohol. In addition, if you are not immune to toxoplasmosis, you will have to comply with various dietary restrictions throughout your pregnancy.
Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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