10 fun games to play on the beach with small children
Spending your days at the beach with children is a wonderful way to enjoy the best summer has to offer: sun, sea, games.
Of course, sand and water are two elements that invite free play and this sets the imagination in motion and triggers in most children the imagination to create fun games together with friends. For the little ones, a shovel and a bucket are enough to have fun for a long time even alone.
For this reason, the commitment required at sea by us parents is generally limited to keeping an eye on the children so that they do not stray too far from the umbrella and little else. However, even if the help of parents is not essential, it is certainly appreciated by children when they want to play some new game.
So I looked for some fun games to do on the beach with small children and not. I assure you that having a list of things to do on the beach with children can make the difference between a normal holiday and an unforgettable family holiday!
Look for stones, shells and sticks
Finding stones, shells and particular sticks on the beach or along the shoreline is one of the most classic games to play on the beach. You can propose the game to small children as a fun hunt for the treasures of nature. With each new release you can raise the stakes and challenge the children to find things that match your requests: today we find large stones, today we find yellow shells, today we find smooth sticks and so on.
To make the game more interesting you can also print a treasure hunt list, deleting all the objects found every day. You can use them to play many creative games on the beach or, after the holiday, you can take home all your treasures and use them to create sensory tanks or to do manual work.
Treasure hunt
If there are more than one children, whoever finds all the items on the list first wins.treasure hunt to do on the beach, a very fun and simple game, also suitable for small children. In a delimited area (about one or two square meters), making small holes in the sand, hide small objects that you have previously prepared and transcribed in a list (caps, buttons, colored stones, small games). At your start the children will have
, not forgetting any of them. They will have to put them one by one in a “chest” that you have previously prepared (for example, you can recycle the kleenex container and paint it gold). If there are more than one child, the winner is the one who first finds all the items on the list.
The volcano with sand
The sand volcano is a truly spectacular game that will amaze all the children, young and old.
Adult help is definitely needed to build the volcano. The children will have to participate in the construction of the sand volcano by creating a beautiful Mountain of Sand (preferably slightly damp) with the help of their hands and a shovel. Once the mountain is finished, two tunnels
must be dug with the hands, one vertical and one horizontal. At the meeting point of these two galleries, small sticks must be placed to light a small fire. In a short time and to the amazement of all the children, the volcano will begin to smoke!
The tallest tower
Small children have always loved to mess with their hands and at the sea they find the most natural element to do it: wet sand. To combine fun and manual skills, propose to children to make a race to who creates the highest tower, but not with a shovel and bucket but only with the help of hands. Make a hole in the sand near the water and take a handful of wet sand from the hole and start building by sliding it between your fingers. You will create beautiful towers!
Draw shadows
Drawing shadows is a creative game particularly suitable for entertaining young children and will serve to teach them precision and dexterity. Take the children where the sand is smoother and wetter and with the help of a scoop or a sprig or even with only your hands, invite them to draw the outline of their shadow. Once you have finished drawing, invite them to decorate it with the help of small shells, pebbles, twigs, leaves or algae. Alternatively and to make them have even more fun, ask them to draw your shadow by assuming a funny position. You can provide a prize for the most beautiful design.
Sand Castles… Colored!
There is no child who has not had fun at least once with his parents to build sand castles. But why settle for normal sand when you can create colored sand? With plastic bags, some sand and food coloring you can dye the sand and make sand castles much more fun, colorful and summery! Once the game is over, you can have fun with your children to recover the colored sand by putting it inside bottles and glass jars. It will remain for you a nice memory of your holiday.
Mini golf
Here’s another one. Bringing simple balls, bowls or marbles to the beach, you can all play a sort of mini golf together. Dig three holes in the sand (one small, one medium and one large) and assign points to each hole (the smaller one is worth more, the bigger one less). Everyone line up and roll the balls trying to make them fall into the holes. Whoever scores the most points wins. If you like the game and want to make it more interesting, you can also think of variations or add some difficulties along the way.
Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.