
Father’s Day jobs: 10 special ideas suitable for young children

Speaking of jobs for Father’s Day, the gifts that children prepare at school with the help of teachers usually come to mind. And no one thinks of small children? They also have the right to prepare a nice surprise for dad, right?

Well, it’s March, Father’s Day is approaching and now it’s your turn. Know that there are jobs that can also be done by small children and you mom will be their accomplice and you will have to help them in this fun task. Ok?

Then arm yourself with brushes and tempera, pencils and markers because the jobs for Father’s Day most suitable for small children are those in which they can have fun doodling, coloring and messing. To inspire you, today I’m showing you 10 easy-to-make gift ideas that will surprise dad.

Daddy’s breakfast placemat

Here is a nice gift that the father can use every morning: a nice placemat for breakfast with the drawings of his little one.
To make it you need a rectangle of fabric – on which the child will be free to draw with tempera and brushes what he wants – and a rectangle of transparent plastic to cover the “work of art”. With the help of a sewing machine fix everything.

Surprises in the portfolio

Do you like surprises? With cardboard, create nice comics where you can write little thoughts and make small drawings. On Father’s Day hide them in his wallet, in the pockets of his jacket and trousers and even under his plate.
He will be surprised all day long!

Small trophies with dedications for dad

The jobs with paper rolls are really the most popular and this is really nice. It involves building small
in 3D by drawing children with their hands raised on each roll of cardboard and writing small thoughts on strips of paper that children can put on the cardboard after having colored them at will.

The festoon to hang

Here is a fantastic Here’s a fantastic This craft is perfect for children who like to color but who still do not know how to respect the contours. To do this you need white sheets, paper adhesive tape (the one for painters), a large brush and tempera. With the ribbon you will have to create letters (one per sheet) and compose the writing you want. The child will be free to color the sheet by brushing here and there. Once you remove the paper ribbon the letter will magically appear and you can hang the festoon.

The pen holder with lego

What’s better than having your child create a Father’s Day gift by having him play with bricks and constructions? So here is a simple idea that manages to perfectly combine the two things. A few pieces of ®Lego and your child’s imagination are enough to create, for example, colorful pen holders or fun colorful photo frames, pen holders or fun photo frames.

The coloring card

If your child is still too young to be able to write a Father’s Day greeting card but enjoys coloring, you can download a pdf that I personally created for this anniversary. Give him all the colored pencils you have available and leave him free to create his favorite card. but enjoys coloring, you can download a pdf that I personally created for this occasion.

Little thoughts with footprints

Finally, a classic but always much appreciated gift:  crafts with hand and foot prints.
By painting children’s hands or feet with bright and obviously washable colours, it is possible to leave footprints to create original  pictures to hang , to decorate the  mouse pad , or  dad’s kitchen apron , or to make fun  creative drawings.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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