Early pregnancy symptoms: the strangest experiences told by mothers
From the appearance of pimples to the smell of pee, here are the most unusual early pregnancy symptoms according to moms’ experiences.
Taking a pregnancy test is the only way to know for sure if you are expecting a baby. However, there are some early symptoms that can give rise to the suspicion of being pregnant, some of which are quite unusual and little known. In this article, we have decided to report real experiences on the first symptoms of pregnancy , choosing the most particular and unusual.
Of course not all women experience these initial symptoms and none of them are a sure sign of pregnancy. However, it can be useful to know that they can appear, understand why and know the possible remedies.
Pimples or acne
“I have a doubt: are post ovulation pimples always a sign of oncoming menstruation or could I be pregnant?”
“Usually I get a pimple or two before my period, but this time I popped five on my chin. I did the betas and I’m 4 weeks pregnant!”
These and other comments are very common in expectant mothers forums. But what’s true?
Indeed, although it may seem strange, pimples can be among the first symptoms of pregnancy . In fact, from the very first weeks, the increase in progesterone can stimulate a greater production of sebum which, in turn, favors the appearance of pimples on the face or body.
In the most serious forms you can even have real acne , especially in women who have already suffered from it in the past.
On the other hand, as we know, even the arrival of menstruation can be anticipated by the appearance of pimples on the skin.
How to tell if pimples are due to pregnancy or period?
Unfortunately it is not easy to distinguish the two situations, even if some expectant mothers notice an increase in pimples compared to the norm , both in terms of number and intensity of the manifestations.
On the other hand, there are many factors that can influence the appearance of pimples, such as lifestyle, diet or stress.
Increased sensitivity to odors
“I’m 5 weeks old and I don’t have any symptoms, except that I can’t stand the smell of toothpaste while brushing my teeth.”
“I can no longer tolerate cigarette smoke, household cleaners and even the smell of cat food! When will this discomfort pass?”.
“Since I’ve been pregnant I’ve felt all the smells amplified… I feel like a kind of truffle dog!!!”
Another typical symptom of the first weeks of pregnancy is the increased sense of smell , which in medical terms is called hyperosmia gravidarum . This experience can be a very early sign (even before the positive test) and can manifest itself as an increased sensitivity or as a real intolerance to certain smells . Hyperosmia can also contribute to nausea in some cases .
The causes would seem to be hormonal and the disorder, although very annoying, is completely harmless.
While waiting for it to pass, the advice is to air the rooms often , consume cold or lukewarm foods (they have a more delicate smell) and use perfume-free detergents .
Strong smelling urine
“Early in my first pregnancy I noticed that my pee smelled more intense than usual.”
“When I got pregnant I noticed that the urine had a stronger smell even before taking the test”.
In fact, it’s quite common for urine during pregnancy to have a stronger or even foul smell . The causes can be very varied, both physiological and pathological.
Physiological causes
First of all, as already mentioned, pregnant women often have an increased sense of smell , which intensifies the perception of odors and makes them more unpleasant and annoying.
Another possible cause is the increased metabolism , which causes a greater amount of waste substances in the urine and can therefore alter its odor.
Finally, another explanation can be represented by hormonal changes. Indeed, after the implantation of the embryo, the woman begins to produce the so-called pregnancy hormone or beta hCG which, being eliminated in the urine, can make the smell of the pee stronger or simply different.
Pathological causes
One of the most frequent causes of smelly urine in pregnancy is dehydration . In fact, when the woman does not drink enough liquids, the pee is more concentrated and therefore takes on a more intense color and smell.
This is usually mild dehydration. The indication is to drink more and consume large quantities of foods rich in water and mineral salts, such as fruit and vegetables . In case of severe or persistent dehydration, it is important to contact your doctor.
Finally, bad smelling urine in early pregnancy could be linked to a urinary tract infection, such as cystitis .
Since one of the most frequent early pregnancy symptoms is an increased urge to urinate , it may be difficult to distinguish between cystitis and pregnancy. When in doubt, it is always good to contact your doctor, especially if these symptoms are accompanied by other typical signs of a urinary infection such as:
- cloudy urine;
- presence of blood in the urine (haematuria);
- pain or burning when urinating;
- difficulty urinating.
Metallic taste in the mouth
“I have a strange taste in my mouth. In particular, food leaves me with a bitter aftertaste, has this happened to anyone?”
“It lasted for me for the whole first quarter. Whatever I ate or drank, I couldn’t get rid of it!”
Another unusual but rather common symptom before discovering that you are pregnant is an altered perception of tastes, which is called dysgeusia . Again, the cause can be traced to hormones .
In particular, some women experience a strange metallic taste in the mouth , sometimes accompanied by an excess of saliva (drooling) , which can appear well before the menstrual delay. These moms describe it as “wearing braces” or “having a dime in their mouths”.
To combat this symptom it is important to take good care of oral hygiene and brush the tongue every time you brush your teeth.
Another tip is to drink often and add a slice of lemon or lime to the water. Foods like green apples, citrus fruits, and pickles can also help get rid of the bad taste in your mouth.
Finally, in case of aversion to meat, a trick may be to marinate it in vinegar or lemon juice .
Air in the belly
“For a few days now my belly is full of air and I’m constipated. Today is my first day late, I took the test and I’m pregnant!”.
“During my first pregnancy I was full of air, both before I found out I was pregnant and after…”.
A swollen belly is another of the typical symptoms of early pregnancy, even if not all women suffer from it. The cause is the increase in progesterone, which can cause excess gas to form in both the stomach and intestines, causing embarrassing effects such as belching and bloating .
To combat excess gas, it is useful to drink plenty (in order to prevent constipation) and avoid risky foods and drinks (such as unhulled legumes and carbonated or caffeine-based drinks).
For more advice, we recommend reading this article on swollen belly in pregnancy .
And you, what symptoms did you experience before the test?
Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.