Drugs in pregnancy: what is important to know
What drugs can be taken during pregnancy and which ones to avoid? Here is a handy list broken down by illness and the toll-free numbers to contact in case of doubt.
Taking drugs during pregnancy is often a source of many doubts and uncertainties for expectant mothers. Let us therefore try to shed some light on this very important and delicate issue.
Can you take medicines during pregnancy?
Yes, but only if prescribed by your trusted doctor. Taking care of yourself is a fundamental need, which serves to protect both the health of the mother and that of the child. Illnesses and infections, when neglected, can lead to the onset of complications, with serious repercussions on the success of the pregnancy and on the well-being of the unborn child .
In case of health problems, therefore, it is important to contact your doctor immediately : he will be the one to evaluate the need for any pharmacological therapies , to recommend the most suitable medicine and to indicate the safest and most effective dosage .
Non-prescription drugs in pregnancy: beware of DIY!
Even for medicines available without a prescription, such as over-the-counter , phytotherapeutic , herbal or homeopathic products , the rule is to consult your doctor first .
In fact, many drugs can have serious side effects if taken during pregnancy, while others require a different dosage than that normally recommended when you are not expecting a child.
For these reasons, before taking the initiative to take any medicine , even if it has already been used before becoming pregnant , it is important to contact your doctor .
Drugs before pregnancy: should they be stopped?
If you have discovered that you are expecting a baby and are taking medicines, immediately inform your trusted doctor : he will be the one to determine whether it is necessary to modify or possibly suspend the therapies in progress.
In this sense, when planning a pregnancy, it is always advisable to carry out a pre-conception examination , to evaluate together with the doctor how best to coordinate pharmacological treatments with conception , and start the pregnancy in the safest way for the health of mother and child.
What drugs can be taken during pregnancy?
Nausea and vomit
Generally it is sufficient to adopt some simple food strategies to counteract the nausea of pregnancy and the vomiting that sometimes accompanies it.
If that’s not enough, your doctor may prescribe medications like doxylamine (an antihistamine) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) , or even an antiemetic like metoclopramide .
Acidity and heartburn
In this case, your doctor may prescribe antacids that are safe for you and your baby, such as aluminum and magnesium salts .
Again, drinking abundantly, following a diet rich in fiber and practicing regular physical activity are the main remedies for combating constipation in pregnancy.
Speaking of drugs, it is possible to occasionally resort to so-called osmotic (e.g. lactulose or macrogol) or mass-forming (e.g. psyllium) laxatives. However, these medicines should only be used for a few consecutive days, because they risk irritating the mucous membrane and having the opposite effect.
Fever and pain
In the event of a rise in temperature or painful symptoms, the drug of choice is paracetamol ( tachipirina), which can also be taken without a prescription for short periods.
However, if it is taken for more than 3 days , you should consult your doctor.
The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is absolutely prohibited in the third trimester and contraindicated in the other trimesters as well unless prescribed by your doctor.
Cough and cold
The ideal remedy is to drink often and take a cup of warm milk with a little honey.
Using saline nasal washes can help clear a stuffy nose, along with using saline or hyaluronic acid sprays .
On the other hand, nasal sprays based on phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine and the intake of mucolytics not prescribed by a doctor are not recommended .
Diarrhea in pregnancy tends to resolve spontaneously within a few days. In milder cases, it is sufficient to drink plenty of water and consume plenty of fruit and vegetables to restore lost liquids and mineral salts.
In more problematic situations, the liquid could prescribe rehydration solutions or loperamide .
Drugs in pregnancy: useful contacts
When you have to take drugs while you are pregnant, the main point of reference in case of doubts is always and only your doctor.
In case it is not available and you urgently need to know if a drug is allowed or not, there are free telephone counseling services , provided by hospitals, to give all the necessary information on the use of drugs during pregnancy.
Careggi University Hospital
It houses the Perinatal Toxicology CRR , which offers a telephone and outpatient consultancy service on drugs and toxicants in pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Preconception counseling for couples with fertility problems due to possible exposure to drugs or toxic substances.
- Assessment of gestational risk from drugs, environmental and occupational toxicants, radiation.
- Indications on the use of medicines in breastfeeding.
- Retrospective evaluation of adverse effects in the conceptus.
Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.