The feeding of the child from 6 to 8 months should be organized into five meals, corresponding to breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner for later ages. At the third stage of weaning, after having introduced vegetables in the form of…
Category: Weaning
Complete guide to weaning and complementary feeding (self-weaning)
Self-weaning, a free mode that allows you to gradually add foods other than milk, but being able to maintain breastfeeding even up to two years of age. The infant’s experience with food appears to begin before birth, when the fetus…
Weaning: When is baby ready for solid foods?
The transition from liquid foods (mother’s milk, artificial milk) to the first solid or semi-solid foods (such as baby food and baby food) requires the baby to get used to a new way of eating. There are some small rules that…
Books on weaning and self-weaning: 10 recommended readings
Weaning and introducing solid foods is a big step for the baby and a testing time for the parents. So here are 10 useful books that can help mom and dad manage weaning with awareness and without stress. When should I…
First baby food at 6 months: ingredients and preparation. How are meals and feedings organised?
Proteins, vitamins, iron and zinc are the essential nutrients that a milk diet is no longer able to provide adequately . So then it is essential to start administering other foods, even if it may take several attempts. Reference Intake Levels (6-12…
Weaning recipes for 12 month old babies, easy to prepare
After starting weaning at 6 months with the first vegetable broth, the first baby food and the first baby food and gradually introducing many new foods up to 10-11 months, here we are finally at 12 months. This is in fact the period in which,…
How and when to introduce the second baby food during weaning?
After 2-4 weeks from the introduction of the first meal, the right time will come to start with the second The process of knowledge of food runs parallel to the growth of the child; it might seem precocious but it is…
Weaning recipes for 10 month old babies, easy to prepare
Weaning has already begun at 10 months and you certainly already know how to prepare vegetable broth and the first homogenized fruit, how to cook the first baby food, creams and soups and which foods are most suitable for the…
Baby food: yes or no? Advantages and disadvantages
As we have extensively explained in the weaning manual that you can download here , in recent years the rigid schemes that imposed precise timetables for weaning have been surpassed even if some important stakes have remained such as the use of salt, sugars…
Weaning with twins: my experience
Weaning of infants begins between five and six months of age, with the gradual introduction of foods other than milk. Beyond the different philosophies to which one can adhere (from traditional weaning, to natural weaning, to self-weaning), the approach to solid food…