What should a woman do to understand if she can still postpone a pregnancy or is it preferable to speed it up? Let’s take as an example a 35-year-old woman in a stable relationship or just married, who wants to…
Category: Reproductive Health
How does lifestyle affect a woman’s fertility?
What are the lifestyle factors that could affect female reproductive potential? More and more scientific studies show that the health of an individual is closely related to his lifestyle and the most recent evidence shows that lifestyle is of fundamental…
Are you too heavy to get pregnant? The role of weight in infertility in women and couples
A 2015 figure from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine shows that obesity affects about 50% of the infertile population in the world; this finding suggests that there may be a clear correlation between weight gain and reduced fertility in the…
How the spermiogram is performed and how it is analyzed
The spermiogram is probably the main test for diagnosing a possible male fertility problem. Here we explain all the details. Understanding how a spermiogram is performed and why it is necessary to do it when a pregnancy does not occur is…
Vaginal douches: everything you need to know
We often hear about vaginal douches (synonymous with vaginal douches or vaginal douches) and in a decidedly improper way, causing misinformation. For this reason it is essential to clarify what they are, what function they have and what the consequences are…
Are zinc and folic acid useful for increasing male fertility?
Dietary supplements containing zinc and folic acid, marketed as a treatment for male infertility, do not appear to improve pregnancy rates, according to a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), which is part of…
Autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) and fertility
A fairly frequent pathology in the population, mainly female, which can hinder conception and compromise the good development of a pregnancy is hypothyroidism, especially of the autoimmune type. Hypothyroidism is a condition that slows down the functioning of the thyroid…
Male azoospermia, what is it and what to do?
Azoospermia refers to the absence of sperm in the ejaculate, which means that no sperm is present in the analyzed seminal fluid. It is a very difficult diagnosis to accept especially for the male partner who realizes that he is…
HPV: the new vaccine against Papilloma Virus arrives
During the Eurogin 2016 International Congress in Salzburg held in June, the arrival in Italy of the new 9-valent vaccine against human papilloma virus was announced . The Papilloma Virus is widespread among the population. According to the World Health Organization it…