
Birth bonus 800 euros: how to request the money and who can request it

This award is independent of income and will be recognized to those who have completed their seventh month of pregnancy since 1 January 2017 (in practice, applications are made two months before the expected date of birth) , have given birth to a child or have adopted or has a minor in custody.
The application must be submitted from the beginning of the eighth month of pregnancy (approximately from 30 weeks + 5 days) and in any case, without delay within one year of the occurrence of the birth/adoption event.

For those who entered the eighth month from 1 January to 4 May 2017, the release date of the electronic acquisition procedure, the one-year deadline for submitting the electronic application starts from 4 May.

In the event of a twin pregnancy or adoption/custody of several minors, the bonus will be paid for each child.

Who can apply?

The application can be submitted in the following situations that have occurred since 1 January 2017:

  • completion of the 7th month of pregnancy = beginning of the 8th month of pregnancy = two months before the expected date of delivery;
  • birth even if it occurred before the 8th month of pregnancy
  • adoption of a child (national or international adoption)
  • national pre-adoptive assignment

Attention :

they tell me that from the INPS calculator the application can be made two months before the birth.

For example, if the dpp date is July 13, the application can be made from May 13 (exactly two months before).

The calculation of the weeks would have been better because they are more precise but let’s adapt to the INPS limitations…

How to submit the application?

The question can be asked in 3 ways:

  1. Via web: Through the INPS website (you must be in possession of the PIN) -> >Online services> services for the citizen> authentication with device PIN> application for income support services> premium at birth
  2. By telephone: Integrated Contact Center – toll-free number 803.164 (toll-free number from a fixed network) or number 06 164.164 (number from a mobile network with charges to be paid by the calling user);
  3. In a café (patronati)

Required documentation

To certify the state of pregnancy and the completion of the 7th month of pregnancy , the mother or future mother must select one of the following methods in the request:

  1. presentation of the original pregnancy certificate or, in cases permitted by law, in certified copy directly at the counter or sent by registered mail (art. 49 of Presidential Decree 445/2000). This certification, to protect the confidentiality of the sensitive data contained therein, will be presented in a sealed envelope bearing the protocol number and the following wording: “Documentation of application for Birth Award – medical health certification”;
  2. indication of the telematic protocol number of the certificate issued by the NHS doctor or ASL contracted doctor .
  3. indication that the certificate has already been sent to INPS for a request relating to another service connected to the same pregnancy;
  4. for future non-working mothers: as an alternative to the pregnancy certificate referred to in point 1, it is possible to indicate the 15-digit identification number of a medical prescription issued by a doctor of the NHS or an agreement with it, with indication of the exemption code between M31 and M42 included. The truthfulness of this self-certification will be verified by INPS with the competent administrations. ( basically a medical prescription is enough in which the exemption code is indicated which refers to the weeks of pregnancy in which it is possible to apply (between 31 and 42 )

Warning: the application can also be made by those who have completed 7 months of pregnancy but this has not been completed. In this specific situation, the application must be accompanied by documentation proving the event.

In the case of birth that has already taken place or adoption or foster care:

The mother will have to enter the child’s tax code and the information required to obtain the bonus in the application.

In the case of twins, the data of all children must be filled in as the bonus is recognized for each child born.

The same applies also in the case of adoption or pre-adoptive assignment of one or more minors.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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