6 Ways Pregnancy Changes Women (Forever)
Pregnant women observe each other, scrutinize each other in search of similarities, similarities or differences. Why do they do it? To have confirmation “ at least I’m not the only one to… ” or a consolation “ fortunately it didn’t happen to me that… ”. Or out of a sense of solidarity, to feel part of a group or, in the worst case scenario, for the “half joy” 😀
No jokes, pregnancy is a condition that we can almost define as elitist and privileged in some respects, discriminated against in others.
Pregnancy is a time in life that no woman will ever forget. For better or for worse.
It marks you indelibly, like a tattoo imprinted on the soul. Because pregnancy is not a walk in the park, it brings with it important emotional and physical changes whether it proceeds smoothly or is a tortuous path characterized by annoyances or complications.
Every woman experiences it differently, aware that the journey can be unpredictable. After 9 months we are no longer the same ones who had jumped for joy-fear at the positive test. Our body is different and even our thoughts are no longer the same. But when the baby smiles at us for the first time, even those stretch marks imprinted on our skin will acquire a new value and will tell a story, the one that led us to become mothers.
Should all these changes scare a woman who is trying for a child?
Absolutely not. Children are a choice. Anyone who decides to become a parent must see these changes as part of a journey that will certainly make them different, it is useless to hide it, but it will be a diversity to be discovered and explored. No one can imagine a priori what it will be like as a parent, parents we become and how it all depends on us.
The most common changes
Every woman experiences more or less evident changes during pregnancy. The increase in the baby bump is certainly what catches the eye most especially to those who are outside of pregnancy. It is also the most “documented” and photographed element, which we can’t wait to see grow and which we will miss after giving birth.
Wider hips
Your hips may be wider after a pregnancy because the bones in your pelvis have rearranged to accommodate the passage of your baby.
Everyone has the desire to go back to their previous jeans after pregnancy, many succeed, others may have difficulties. In any case, if it happens, it won’t be a particularly noticeable change except to the most attentive eye.
The biggest feet
It is not a common symptom for all even if it is very frequent: during some pregnancies, the feet increase slightly in size and may remain so even after.
Targeted research was done that took into consideration the measurements of the feet of pregnant women both during pregnancy and five months after giving birth and it was seen that between 60 and 70% of the women examined had slightly longer feet.
Areolas darker
If you are a mother who has decided to breastfeed her baby, you will become quite an expert on the changes in your breasts. The most obvious change is in size, but it’s interesting to know that the areolas may darken permanently due to hormones during pregnancy. It’s not a common symptom for everyone and whoever notices it could see the color return to normal after a few months of giving birth.
The hair… different
Most mothers report experiences of significant hair loss a few months after giving birth. During pregnancy they are usually thick and do not fall out, due to the effect of circulating hormones (especially estrogen).
Once the pregnancy is over and a few months have passed since the birth, the hair begins to fall out. There are those who also notice a change in shape, for example from curls to much less wavy.
This is certainly more abundant hair loss than usual, which shouldn’t scare you because it’s transient.
The tummy
During pregnancy, of course, the abdomen expands. This is one of the most noticeable changes observed on a woman’s body.
Once you give birth, there will be a little tummy that many define as “soft”. It’s normal.
Don’t be too hard on yourself, inside that tummy you raised and nurtured a child, and all of this is something wonderful.
Of course, you can do some toning exercises once you’ve gotten your doctor’s approval.
Emotional changes
Bringing a child into the world makes you understand even more how precious and extraordinary life is. Sensitivity can reach very high peaks. During pregnancy you can cry over a trifle but even afterwards you could be moved by things that you didn’t give much importance to before or that left you indifferent. Emotionality with motherhood increases. Get your handkerchiefs ready.
Obviously if crying becomes a constant then it’s important that family members help the mom who may be suffering from postpartum depression.
Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.
Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.