
18 month old: what can he do?

If during the first 12 months a child is engaged in an amazing motor and cognitive growth, also in the following months the conquests follow one another.

The way your child plays, learns, talks, acts and moves provide important insights into their development. Don’t expect your 18-month-old to be able to solve equations or draw a perfect Giotto-style circle. Never load a child with too many expectations , we must always respect their growth times.

There are stages that represent a reference of what a child should be able to do at a given age. They are a sort of goals that for better or worse all children reach some faster and some a little slower.

At 18 months we are approaching an age that is not easy to manage, you have probably already heard of the ” terrible two years ” that put the parents’ patience to the test: get ready. I guess you’ve already come to understand how adamant children can be when they get something into their heads, such as when they refuse to eat some foods you prepare .

Despite everything, it really is a wonderful age in which the child’s interaction with people and the world around him becomes increasingly active.

Remember that any doubts about the growth of the child should always be reported to your pediatrician.

Conquests at 18 months of age

By the end of 18 months, most children:

Social achievements

  • he finds it fun to give things to others. Passing a toy or object to another person is a fun game for them. Try it. Then the moment will come when you won’t want to share anything anymore ( “this is mine” phase ), but in the meantime, enjoy this period
  • he may have a fit of rage
  • may be afraid of strangers
  • show affection for people and family members
  • it plays activities it sees you doing or simple games
  • in new situations or that make him uncomfortable, he clings to you and whoever looks after him at that moment
  • points out to others something that is interesting to them
  • explore the surrounding space but only if accompanied by a parent

Language and communication

  • knows several words
  • he says NO shaking his head
  • points with a finger what he wants to have

Cognitive abilities

  • knows what everyday objects are for, such as a plate, a telephone, a vacuum cleaner, a saucepan, a glass, a spoon…
  • knows how to attract attention
  • Show interest in a doll or stuffed animal by pretending to feed it
  • if you ask him where a part of the body is such as the nose, or the mouth or the ears, he can point them out
  • is able to draw/scribble on paper (or on walls, sofas .. anywhere!)
  • can execute verbal commands (for example “sit down” or “give me your hand”) without having to accompany them with explanatory gestures,

Motor skills / Physical development

  • walk alone
  • can climb stairs
  • is able to run
  • he can walk pulling toys behind him
  • it helps you by accompanying the movements when you dress or undress it
  • can drink from a cup
  • is able to eat with a spoon

Talk to your pediatrician if…

The pediatrician visits the child at regular and scheduled intervals, but if you notice these situations it is good to talk to the doctor if at 18 months:

  • He can’t walk
  • He doesn’t know what everyday objects are for 
  • Don’t copy others
  • He doesn’t tend to show the things that interest him to others
  • Does not learn new words
  • Does not speak at least 6 words
  • Does not notice if the caregiver leaves or returns
  • It loses the abilities it once had

Do not forget

Each child develops at different times, with a different character and with different talents. We can’t have control over everything and we can’t think that a child grows up according to a predefined and rigid pattern. Enjoy your baby, his progress and his achievements, whether they come early or a little later.

Dr Kathryn Barlow

Kathryn Barlow is an OB/GYN doctor, which is the medical specialty that deals with the care of women's reproductive health, including pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians provide care to women during pregnancy, labor, and delivery, while gynecologists focus on the health of the female reproductive system, including the ovaries, uterus, vagina, and breasts. OB/GYN doctors are trained to provide medical and surgical care for a wide range of conditions related to women's reproductive health.

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